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This is Part 2 of a 3-part tutorial series for the New Employee Training scenario. It is recommended that you complete Part 1 - Importing Data before starting this section.


Code Block
DataTable dtProducts = GetCSVData(Page.MapPath("//data//Products.csv"));

5. Reset Create a new DataBindingProperties object and set the MaxRowsPerSlide property so that the Products data fits on the slideto be 2

Code Block
dataProps.DataBindingProperties dataProps2 = pptt.CreateDataBindingProperties();
dataProps2.MaxRowsPerSlide = 2;

6. Bind the Products data source to the presentation

Code Block
pptt.BindData(dtProducts, "Products", dataPropsdataProps2);

7. Process the template to import the data


Code Block
//Code from Part 1
PowerPointTemplate pptt = new PowerPointTemplate();
DataBindingProperties dataProps = pptt.CreateDataBindingProperties();
string[] columnNamesArray = {"Logo"};
Byte[] logoArray = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes((Page.MapPath("//data//logo.png")));
object[] valuesArray = {logoArray};
pptt.BindData(valuesArray, columnNamesArray, "Company", dataProps);
string[] employeeColNames = {"Name", "Team"};
                object[] employeeValues = {"Amy Alberts", "Development"};
pptt.BindData(employeeValues, employeeColNames, "Employee", dataProps);
DataTable teamData = GetCSVData((Page.MapPath("//data//Team.csv")));
pptt.BindData(teamData, "Team", dataProps);
 //Code from Part 2
DataTable dtCompanyHistory = GetCSVData(Page.MapPath("//data//CompanyHistory.csv"));
dataProps.MaxRowsPerSlide = 5;
pptt.BindData(dtCompanyHistory, "CompanyHistory", dataProps);
DataTable dtProducts = GetCSVData(Page.MapPath("//data//Products.csv"));
dataProps.DataBindingProperties dataProps2 = pptt.CreateDataBindingProperties();
dataProps2.MaxRowsPerSlide = 2;
pptt.BindData(dtProducts, "Products", dataPropsdataProps2);
pptt.Save(Page.Response, "Part2_Output.pptx", false);
