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{introducedin: 8.4} {description} {excerpt}Sets or returns whether Microsoft Excel will automatically show a caption in place of an error.{excerpt} {signature:C#} public boolean ShowFriendlyErrorCaption{ get; set; } {signature} {}Public Property ShowFriendlyErrorCaption() As Boolean {signature} {example}{code:csharp|title=C#} ExcelApplication xla = new ExcelApplication(); Workbook wb = xla.Open(@"C:\MySpreadsheet.xlsx"); Worksheet ws = wb.Worksheets[0]; ws.PivotTables[0].PivotTableSettings.ShowFriendlyErrorCaption= true; {code} {code:vbnet|} Dim xla As New ExcelApplication() Dim wb As Workbook = xla.Open("C:\MySpreadsheet.xlsx") Dim ws As Worksheet = wb.Worksheets(0) ws.PivotTables(0).PivotTableSettings.ShowFriendlyErrorCaption= true; {code} {example} {remarks}{{ShowFriendlyErrorCaption}} is {{false}} by default. If it is set to true, {{[FriendlyErrorCaption|PivotTableSettings.FriendlyErrorCaption]}} also needs to be set. {remarks} |
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