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This sample demonstrates how to Extract data from an Excel file and import it to a PowerPoint presentation using PowerPointWriter.

The Data

Our Excel file contains employee data from the AdventureWorks database.
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The Template

Our template presentation has a table with columns corresponding to the data in our Excel file.
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The Code

The code below uses PowerPointApplication to extract the data from the Excel spreadsheet into a DataTable. It then passes the presentation to PowerPointTemplate and binds the data. The code uses MaxRowsPerSlide to ensure the data fits neatly in the presentation. See fitting Data on to Multiple Slides for more information.

Code Block

        private static void RunExcelToPresentation()
            //Use ExcelApplication to extract the data from the Excel spreadsheet
            //See for more information
            ExcelApplication xla = new ExcelApplication();
            Workbook wb = xla.Open(@"..\..\inputs\Data.xlsx");

            Range dataRange = wb.GetNamedRange("Employees");
            Area dataArea = dataRange.Areas[0];

            int[] dateColumnIndxs = new int[] { 4 };

            DataTable dataTable = AreaToDataTable(dataArea, true, dateColumnIndxs, "Employees");

            //Populate the presentation with the data
            PowerPointTemplate ppt = new PowerPointTemplate();

            SoftArtisans.OfficeWriter.PowerPointWriter.DataBindingProperties dataProps = ppt.CreateDataBindingProperties();
            dataProps.MaxRowsPerSlide = 10;
            ppt.BindData(dataTable, "Employee", dataProps);


        private static DataTable AreaToDataTable(Area a, bool hasHeaderRow, int[] dateColumnIndexes, string tableName)
            // Set count and index variables 
            int dataRowCount;
            int firstDataRowIdx;
            int columnCount = a.ColumnCount;

            if (hasHeaderRow == true)
                firstDataRowIdx = 1;
                dataRowCount = a.RowCount - 1;
                firstDataRowIdx = 0;
                dataRowCount = a.RowCount;
            // Create DataTable 
            DataTable table = new DataTable(tableName);

            // Add columns to DataTable 
            for (int colIdx = 0; colIdx < columnCount; colIdx++)
                string columnName;

                if (hasHeaderRow == true)
                    // Get column name from cell value 
                    columnName = (string)a[0, colIdx].Value;
                    // Use a generic column name 
                    columnName = "Column" + colIdx;

                // Insert column into DataTable 
                table.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(columnName));

            //Populate rows of DataTable 
            // For each row in Area 
            for (int rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < dataRowCount; rowIdx++)
                // Add row to DataTable 
                DataRow row = table.NewRow();

                // For each column 
                for (int colIdx = 0; colIdx < columnCount; colIdx++)
                    // Get value from cell 
                    object val = a[firstDataRowIdx + rowIdx, colIdx].Value;

                    // If current column is in the array of date columns, convert to a .NET date.
                    //(Excel dates are stored in a serial format which we must convert.)

                    if (Array.IndexOf(dateColumnIndexes, colIdx) != -1)
                        // Convert to a .NET date using conversion method below 
                        DateTime dt = ExcelSerialDateToDateTime(Convert.ToInt32(val));

                        // Add date to DataTable 
                        row[colIdx] = dt.ToShortDateString();
                        // Otherwise, just add cell value to DataTable 
                        row[colIdx] = val;

            // Return DataTable 
            return table;

        private static DateTime ExcelSerialDateToDateTime(int serialDate)
            if (serialDate == 60)
                return new DateTime(1900, 2, 29);
            else if (serialDate < 60)

            return new DateTime(1900, 1, 1).AddDays(serialDate - 2);


The resulting output shows all the data from the Excel spreadsheet in a PowerPoint presentation table.

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output: output.pptx