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The Template

Our template presentation contains a single slide with 2 data markers.




The code below uses PowerPointApplication to copy the slide in our template, then passes the presentation to PowerPointTemplate to bind the data.

Code Block
            PowerPointApplication ppta = new PowerPointApplication();
            Presentation pres = ppta.Open("template.pptx");

            //Create a copy of the slide and add it to the end of the presentation
            Slide slideToCopy = pres.Slides[0];
            pres.Slides.CopySlide(slideToCopy, (pres.Slides.Count));
            //pass the presentation to PowerPointTemplate
            PowerPointTemplate pptt = new PowerPointTemplate();
            pptt.Open(ppta, pres);

            //Set the column names - will be the same for both slides
            string[] titleCol = {"Title"};
            string[] detailsCol = {"Details"};
            //Create a Data Binding Property
            DataBindingProperties dataProps = pptt.CreateDataBindingProperties();

            //Get the data for the first slide - Team Members
            //Data for the TrainingItem data source
            object[] titleArray = {"Team Members"};
            DataTable dtTeam = GetCSVData("Team.csv");
            //Set Slide to be the first slide in our presentation
            dataProps.Slide = 0;
            //Bind the Data
            pptt.BindData(titleArray, titleCol, "Training", dataProps );
            pptt.BindData(dtTeam, "TrainingItems", dataProps);

            //Get the data for the second slide - Agile Development
            object[] titleArray2 = { "AgileDevelopment" };
            DataTable dtAgile = GetCSVData("Agile.csv");
            //Change our Data Binding Properties to scope to the second slide
            dataProps.Slide = 1;
            //Bind the Data - only the array of values changed
            pptt.BindData(titleArray2, titleCol, "Training", dataProps);
            pptt.BindData(dtAgile, "TrainingItems", dataProps);

            //Process the data



The resulsting output is a presentation containing 2 slides with the same layout but different data.