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The following code opens the template and binds data to it using the SetDataSource and SetRepeatBlock methods, then streams the resulting document to the user:

Code Block
protected void OnDownloadAddFormulas(object sender, EventArgs e)
     PowerPointTemplate pptt = new PowerPointTemplate();
     //Get a Data Table of scores using the helper method
     DataTable ScoreData = GetScores();

     //Create DataBindingProperties
     DataBindingProperties dataBindProps = pptt.CreateDataBindingProperties();

     //Bind the data
     pptt.BindData(ScoreData, "Data", dataBindProps);
     wt.Save(Response, "ScoreReport.docx", false);

private DataTable GetScores()
     DataTable dt = new DataTable();

     dt.Columns.Add("StudentID", typeof(string));
     dt.Columns.Add("ReadingScore", typeof(int));
     dt.Columns.Add("WritingScore", typeof(int));
     dt.Columns.Add("MathScore", typeof(int));
     dt.Columns.Add("Score", typeof(int));

     Random rand = new Random();

     int rScore, wScore, mScore;
     for (int i = 0; i < 30; ++i)
          rScore = rand.Next(400, 800);
          wScore = rand.Next(400, 800);
          mScore = rand.Next(400, 800);
               string.Format("S{0:000000}", rand.NextDouble() * 1000000),
               rScore, wScore, mScore, rScore + wScore + mScore

     DataTable dtSorted = dt.Clone();
     foreach (DataRow row in dt.Select("", "StudentID asc"))

     return dtSorted;
