
{excerpt}Opens a PowerPointWriter template presentation file from the specified disk location. A PowerPointWriter template is a file created in Microsoft PowerPoint that contains data markers where data source values will be inserted.
public void Open(string filePath)

Public Sub Open(ByVal filePath As String)

The complete path and file name of the template PowerPoint presentation file.

Open will throw this exception if {{null}} \(C\#\) or {{Nothing}} \(VB.NET\) or an empty string is passed to the method. This exception will also be thrown if the specified template file is not of a valid PowerPoint Office Open XML (.pptx or .pptm) file format.
Open will throw this exception if the template's file path specified in the parameter is inaccessible or doesn't exist

//--- Open an Office Open XML PowerPoint (.pptx) file

 '--- Open an Office Open XML PowerPoint (.pptx) file