Opens a Workbook from an ExcelTemplate object.

 public virtual Workbook Open(ExcelTemplate excelTemplate)
Public Overridable Function Open(ByVal excelTemplate As ExcelTemplate) As Workbook

An ExcelTemplate object representing the workbook to open.

Workbook that is opened.

If your template file is the new Office Open XML (.xlsx) format, you can pass it into the ExcelApplication.Open method just as you would a BIFF8 (.xls) Excel file. You will need to remember to give the output file a ".xlsx" extension when you call Save as ExcelWriter cannot convert .xlsx files to .xls

If there is a problem creating, opening, or writing to the file specified, or reading from the Workbook object.

          ExcelTemplate xlt = new ExcelTemplate();

          //--- Do something with template here

          ExcelApplication xla = new ExcelApplication();

          Dim xlt As New ExcelTemplate()

          '--- Do something with template here

          Dim xla As New ExcelApplication()