{excerpt}This class is used to manipulate settings for a particular indent level. Things such as number and bullet text and indent change with each indent level in Word.{excerpt}
 public sealed class ListLevel
Public NotInheritable Class ListLevel
{remarks}You cannot create a new [ListLevel|ListLevel] object using the {{new}} keyword. To get an instance of the {{ListLevel}} class, use the [GetLevel()|List.GetLevel(Int32)] method of the [List|List] class, passing it the index of the level you want to retrieve.

To get an existing list entry, use the {{getEntry()}} method of the {{List}} class. {{getEntry}} accepts a parameter that represents the index of the entry to retrieve.

The following sample demonstrates how to get a {{ListLevel}} object for level 2 of a list.


          //--- Get the second level settings of a list
          WordApplication app = new WordApplication();
          Document doc = app.Open(@"C:\sample.doc");
          List lst = doc.Lists[0];
          ListEntry entry = lst.GetLevel(2);

          '--- Get the second level settings of a list
          Dim app As New WordApplication()
          Dim doc As Document = app.Open("C:\sample.doc")
          Dim lst As List = doc.Lists(0)
          Dim level As ListLevel = lst.GetLevel(2)
