{excerpt}Returns a [Border|Border] object that represents the default border for table cells at a specified location for a table created with this formatting. Individual table cells can override these border settings. Allowed locations are: Top, Left, Bottom, Right, Vertical, and Horizontal. Top, Left, Bottom, and Right refer to the default border for those sides of a table cell. Vertical and Horizontal refer to the border between table cells.{excerpt}
 public Border GetDefaultBorder(Location location)
Public Function GetDefaultBorder(ByVal location As Location) As Border
{param:location}A [Border.Location|Border.Location] object that represents the border location to get the border at.{param}
{returns}A {{Border}} object that represents the default border for table cells at a specified location for a table created with this formatting.{returns}
{remarks}MS Word equivalent: Format menu > Border and Shading... > Borders tab \(With "Apply to: Table" selected\)


          //--- Return DefaultBorder
          Border oBorder = oTableFormatting.GetDefaultBorder(Border.Location.Top);

          '--- Return DefaultBorder
          Dim oBorder As Border = oTableFormatting.GetDefaultBorder(Border.Location.Top)
