{excerpt}Streams the PowerPointTemplate to the client.{excerpt}
{signature:C#}	public void Save(System.Web.HttpResponse response){signature}
{signature:vb.net}Public Sub Save(ByRef response As System.Web.HttpResponse){signature}
{parameters}{param:response}An HttpResponse to write the resulting PowerPoint file to.{param}
{{Save}} will throw this exception if it does not have a PowerPoint document handle ({{Save}} cannot be called before {{Open}}).
If the user chooses to open rather than save the file, it will open in the browser window.  PowerPointWriter will set a default name for the file.  To set a different file name and/or open the file in Microsoft PowerPoint, use the signature [Save(HttpResponse,String,Bool)|PowerPointTemplate.Save(System.Web.HttpResponse, String, Boolean)]

You can call {{Save}} more than once for a single instance of [PowerPointTemplate]. This allows you to save more than one copy of a generated file, and/or both save the file on the server and stream it to the client.
using (PowerPointTemplate ppt = new PowerPointTemplate())

 // where response is the HttpResponse for the current page