{excerpt}Creates a named global style, which can be bound to cells, areas, ranges, rows, and columns. Any later changes to this style will affect all cells to which the style was assigned.{excerpt}
 public NamedStyle CreateNamedStyle(System.String styleName)
Public Function CreateNamedStyle(ByVal styleName As String) As NamedStyle
{param:styleName}The name of the new style.{param}
{returns}A [NamedStyle|NamedStyle] object which can be assigned to cells, and can be accessed and modified from the generated Excel spreadsheet.{returns}
{remarks}To bind a style to a cell or set of cells, use either {{Style}} or  {{ApplyStyle}}.  Both are accessible through the following objects: [Cell|Cell], [Area|Area], [Range|Range],   [RowProperties|RowProperties], and [ColumnProperties|ColumnProperties].

Style definitions created by [CreateNamedStyle|Workbook.CreateNamedStyle(String)] are saved in the generated spreadsheet, and can be accessed and modified when the file is opened in Microsoft Excel. If a style with the same name already exists an exception will be thrown.

NamedStyle heading1Style = wb.CreateNamedStyle("Heading1");{code}
Dim heading1Style As NamedStyle = wb.CreateNamedStyle("Heading1"){code}
