{excerpt}Returns the names of all merge fields in the specified bookmark.{excerpt}
 public System.String[] BookmarkFieldMarkers(System.String aBookmark)
Public Function BookmarkFieldMarkers(ByVal aBookmark As String) As String()
{returns}The names of all merge fields in the specified bookmark.{returns}
{remarks}Bookmarks are used to define repeat blocks.   A repeat block is a fragment in the template document that contains merge fields and that will be repeated for each row in a data source.


          //--- Create the WordTemplate object.
          WordTemplate oWW = new WordTemplate();

          //--- Open a template using a string.

          //--- Get all the bookmark names in the document.
          String[] allBookmarks = oWW.Bookmarks;

          //--- Get all the merge fields in the first bookmark.
          String[] someFields = oWW.BookmarkFieldMarkers(allBookmarks[0]);

          '--- Create the WordTemplate object.
          Dim oWW As New WordTemplate()

          '--- Open a template using a string.

          '--- Get all the bookmark names in the document.
          Dim allBookmarks As String() = oWW.Bookmarks

          '--- Get all the merge fields in the first bookmark.
          Dim someFields As String() = oWW.BookmarkFieldMarkers(allBookmarks(0))
