{excerpt}Returns or a {{boolean}} that represents if the row height is "exact" \(true\) or "at least" \(false\).{excerpt}
 public boolean GetRowHeightExact(int row)
Public Function GetRowHeightExact(ByVal row As Integer) As Boolean
{param:row}An {{int}} representing the row index to get RowHeightExact for.{param}
{returns}A {{boolean}} that represents if the specified row's height is "exact" \(true\) or "at least" \(false\).{returns}
{remarks}MS Word equivalent: Table menu > Table properties... > Row tab > Size section > Row \#: > Row height is:

*Note:* To set this property, you must first set the RowHeight property.


          //--- Get RowHeightExact for the 3rd row
          bool rowHeightExact = oTable.GetRowHeightExact(2);

          '--- Get RowHeightExact for the 3rd row
          Dim rowHeightExact As Boolean = oTable.GetRowHeightExact(2)
