{description} {excerpt}Creates an accounting format string.{excerpt} {signature:C#} public System.String CreateAccounting(int numDecimalPlaces, boolean useDollarSign, Color negativeColor) {signature}{signature:vb.net} Public Function CreateAccounting(ByVal numDecimalPlaces As Integer, ByVal useDollarSign As Boolean, ByVal negativeColor As Color) As String {signature} {parameters} {param:numDecimalPlaces}The number of decimal places to display.{param} {param:useDollarSign}If {{true}}, the dollar sign will be displayed.{param} {param:negativeColor}A color to use when displaying negative numbers. {{negativeColor}} may be null.{param} {returns}An accounting format string.{returns} {example}{code:csharp|title=C#} //--- Create a style. Style styl = wb.CreateStyle(); //--- The following creates the format //--- "_($* #,##0.00_);[Green]_($* #,##0.00_);_(* \"-\"_);_(@_)" styl.NumberFormat = wb.NumberFormat.CreateAccounting(2, true, NumberFormat.Color.Green); {code} {code:vb.net|title=vb.net} '--- Create a style. Dim styl As Style = wb.CreateStyle() '--- The following creates the format '--- "_($* #,##0.00_);[Green]_($* #,##0.00_);_(* \"-\"_);_(@_)" styl.NumberFormat = wb.NumberFormat.CreateAccounting(2, _ True, _ NumberFormat.Color.Green) {code} {example} |