{excerpt}ExcelWriter has three style types: [CellStyle|CellStyle], [GlobalStyle|GlobalStyle], and [NamedStyle|NamedStyle].{excerpt}
 public class Style
Public Class Style
All three types derive from the [Style|Style] class, and {{NamedStyle}} derives from {{GlobalStyle}}.

You cannot create a CellStyle, only manipulate existing ones as part of the objects they apply to.  To create a {{GlobalStyle}}, use [Workbook.CreateStyle()|Workbook.CreateStyle()]. To create a {{NamedStyle}}, use [Workbook.CreateNamedStyle()|Workbook.CreateNamedStyle(String)]. To get a {{NamedStyle}} from an existing document, use [Workbook.GetNamedStyle()|Workbook.GetNamedStyle(String)].


          //--- Open existing spreadsheet
          ExcelApplication xla = new ExcelApplication();
          Workbook wb = xla.Open(@"C:\MySpreadsheet.xls");

          //--- Create GlobalStyle
          Style global = wb.CreateStyle();

          //--- Create NamedStyle
          Style newNamed = wb.CreateNamedStyle("MyStyle");

          //--- Get NamedStyle
          Style existingNamed = wb.GetNamedStyle("ExistingStyle");

          '--- Open existing spreadsheet
          Dim xla As New ExcelApplication()
          Dim wb As Workbook = xla.Open("C:\MySpreadsheet")

          '--- Create GlobalStyle
          Dim global As Style = wb.CreateStyle()

          '--- Create NamedStyle
          Dim newNamed As Style = wb.CreateNamedStyle("MyStyle")

          '--- Get NamedStyle
          Dim existingNamed As Style = wb.GetNamedStyle("ExistingStyle")
