Saves an Area as a PDF file at a specified file path.

 public static void SavePdf(String filePath)
Public Static Sub SavePdf(ByVal filePath As String)

A string representing the filepath you would like to save the PDF to.


If there is a problem creating, opening, or writing to the file specified, or reading from the Area object.

           ExcelApplication xla = new ExcelApplication();
           Workbook WB= xla.Create(FileFormat.Xlsx);
           Area areaOne= WB[0].CreateArea["A1:C5"];          
	   Dim oExcelApp As New ExcelApplication()           
           Dim wb As Workbook = oExcelApp.Create(FileFormat.Xlsx) 
           Dim areaOne As Area = WB[0].CreateArea["A1:C5"]       