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Using the Image modifier without dimensions

If you do not wish to specify dimensions for the imported image, the image The image modifier can be used without dimensions either alone or with a scale scaling argument.
If the image modifier is used by itself, for example %%=Company.Logo(image), the image will maintain it's original dimensions.
If the image modifier is used with a scaling argument, %%=Company.Logo(image(1)), the image will be scaled accordingly and sized to fit it's the containing text box.
The scaling argument can have the following values:


Using the Image modifier with dimensions

If you do wish to specify image dimensionsImage dimensions can be specifies as arguments after the image modifier. Again, this can be done with or without the scaling argument.
The syntax for specifying an images dimensions without the scaling argument is image(width, height). For example %%=Company.Logo(i,2). All dimensions are in inches.
If you wish to To use a scaling argument, this will be add it as the first argument in your modifier. The For example, the data marker %%=Company.Logo(image(3,1,2)) would use the third scaling value.
The scaling argument can have the following values:
