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{excerpt}Sets the specified repeat block's data source to an ADO.NET DataSet. A repeat block is a fragment in the template document that will be repeated for each row in a data source. In the template document, repeat blocks are defined by Word bookmarks that contain merge fields.{excerpt}
 public void SetRepeatBlock(System.Data.DataSet ds, System.String bookmark)
Public Sub SetRepeatBlock(ByVal ds As System.Data.DataSet, ByVal bookmark As String)
{param:ds}The DataSet to use as the data source.{param}
{param:bookmark}The bookmark name of the template repeat block. The bookmark passed to {{SetRepeatBlock}} must exist in the template Word file. To see a list of template bookmark names:
# Open the template in Microsoft Word.
# Open the *Edit* menu.
# Select *Go To...*
# Select *Bookmark*.
# Under *Enter bookmark name*, open the drop\-down list of bookmark names.
{exception:ArgumentNullException}{{SetRepeatBlock}} will throw this exception if {{null}} \(C\#\) or {{Nothing}} \(VB.NET\) is passed to the method.{exception}
{exception:SAException}{{SetRepeatBlock}} will throw this exception if the {{bookmark}} has been set to be  [removed|WordTemplate.BookmarksToRemove].{exception}
{remarks}You can call [SetRepeatBlock|WordTemplate.SetRepeatBlock] several times for a single instance of [WordTemplate]. The repeat block specified by the parameter {{bookmark}} must exist in the template.

If you pass an empty DataSet to {{SetRepeatBlock}}, WordWriter will not include the specified repeat block in the generated Word file.

Not all Word features can be included in a repeat block:
{web-only:To see a full chart of limitations, go to our online documentation:}
|| Supported in Repeat Blocks || Not Supported in Repeat Blocks ||
| * Character Formatting  (everywhere)
* Paragraph Formatting (Alignment, Outlines, Indent, Spacing, Page Break before, Keep Together)
* Multiple Columns (2, 3, Column Breaks)
* Borders and Shading
* Tabs
* Bullets
* Numbering (numbering not reset, it is continued from one repeat block to another)
* Page Breaks
* Section Breaks
* Auto Text Field
* Hyperlink
* Pictures
* Table Row Repeat (entire row only)
* Fields (with some restrictions) | * Nested repeat blocks (Only one data source may be assigned to a single repeat block.)
* Overlapping bookmarks
* Comments
* Drawing Objects
* Text Boxes
* Footnote and endnote references
* Table and picture indexes
* Single cell in a table
* Smart tags (smart tags will be removed from the document)
* Repeat blocks in headers, footers, footnotes, comments,  text boxes, etc. |
          //--- A dataset with the data to be repeated
          DataSet ds = GetDataSet();
          WordTemplate oWW = new WordTemplate();

          //--- Set a data source for the repeat block
          //--- defined by the bookmark "Page"
          //--- "ds" is the DataSet containing the data to be
          //--- imported and repeated in the repeat block
          //--- The first DataTable in the DataSet will be used
          oWW.SetRepeatBlock(ds, "Page");
          oWW.Save(Page.Response, "Output.doc", false);
          '--- A dataset with the data to be repeated
          Dim ds As DataSet = GetDataSet()
          Dim oWW As New WordTemplate()

          '--- Set a data source for the repeat block
          '--- defined by the bookmark "Page"
          '--- "ds" is the DataSet containing the data to be
          '--- imported and repeated in the repeat block
          '--- The first DataTable in the DataSet will be used
          oWW.SetRepeatBlock(ds, "Page")
          oWW.Save(Page.Response, "Output.doc", False)
