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Code Block
        string SearchPattern = "[Ww]ord[Ww]riter";
        string replaceWith = "SoftArtisans";
        string docPath = @"..\..\WordTemplateFiles\SearchReplace.doc";

        /// <summary>
        /// Searches a document for a Regular Expression search term
        /// and replaces all instances of that term with a new string.
        /// The revised document is then saved.
        /// </summary>
        public void SearchDocument()
            /*// Open the document you wish to search
             WordApplication wordApp = new WordApplication();
            Document doc = wordApp.Open(docPath);

            /* Execute the replacement by specifying the search term
             * as a Regular Expression string, and the replacement string.
             * SearchAndReplace will return the number of replacements made.
            int numReplacements = doc.SearchAndReplace(SearchPattern, replaceWith);

            /* If no occurrences of the search pattern were found in the doc, display
             * a message and return.
            if(numReplacements == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Note: No occurrences of \"{0}\" were found in the document. " +
                                "Please try another search pattern.", SearchPattern);

            /* Prepend a message to the beginning of the document noting
             * how many replacements were made.
            string text =
                String.Format("Replaced {0} instances of \"{1}\" with \"{2}\"",
                    numReplacements, SearchPattern, replaceWith);

            /* Create a new paragraph and insert the note */
            Paragraph pg = doc.InsertParagraphBefore(null);
            pg.InsertTextAfter(text, false);

            /* Save the edited document */
            wordApp.Save(doc, @"..\..\WordOutputFiles\Replaced_out.doc");
