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Wiki Markup
{introducedin: 8.6.1}
{excerpt}Sets or returns whether the worksheet will allow users to insert hyperlinks when the worksheet is protected.{excerpt}
 public boolean AllowInsertHyperlinks{ get; set; }
Public Property AllowInsertHyperlinks() As Boolean

          ExcelApplication xla = new ExcelApplication();
          Workbook wb = xla.Open(@"C:\MySpreadsheet.xlsx");
          Worksheet ws = wb.Worksheets[0];
          ws.SheetProtection.AllowInsertHyperlinks = true;

          Dim xla As New ExcelApplication()
          Dim wb As Workbook = xla.Open("C:\MySpreadsheet.xlsx")
          Dim ws As Worksheet = wb.Worksheets(0)
          ws.SheetProtection.AllowInsertHyperlinks = true
