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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Data source and column names must not include Unicode characters.
  • Data source and column names must begin with a letter (A-Z, a-z).
  • Data source and column names may include the following characters only:


    If you assigned a different data source separator, you can also use a "." in your data source and column names.

  • Spaces are not allowed anywhere in a merge field.


  • «$Employee» means the first column in the data source "Employee."
  • «Employee» means the "Employee" column in the first data source defined in the WordWriter code.


An WordWriter merge field can include modifiers. Modifiers are included in parenthesis at the end of the merge field. For example:

Code Block


If a merge field includes more than one modifier, the modifiers should be separated by commas. Do not include spaces between modifiers. For example:

Code Block




Use the Fieldname modifier to insert database column headings in a document. For example, in place of the merge field
«RecordSet.#2(fieldname)», WordWriter will insert the name of the second column in the RecordSet.


If a merge field includes the Uppercase modifier, all text values imported to the merge field will be displayed in uppercase. If a merge field includes both the Uppercase and Lowercase modifiers, the last will be applied.


If a merge field includes the Lowercase modifier, all text values imported to the merge field will be displayed in lowercase. If a merge field includes both the Uppercase and Lowercase modifiers, the last will be applied.


By default, if a merge field's data source name or column name is not bound to a data source in code, an error will occur. If a merge field contains the Optional modifier, and the merge field is not bound by name to a data source, WordWriter will discard the merge field in the generated document and will not throw an error.
This modifier makes both a merge field's data source and column optional. For example, for this merge field:
If either the data source "Orders," or the column "OrderId" does not exist, the merge field will be removed without error.


If a merge field contains a data source number and/or field number (for example «#7.#3») and is not bound to a data source in script, the merge field will be removed without error whether the "Optional" modifier is present or not.


If the image modifier is present and the column of data for the merge field is either of type byte array (byte[]) or SQL BLOB, then the image will be rendered. The image modifier can take optional parameters to format the size of the image (e.g. <<Product.Image(image(1,600,600))>>. For more see Inserting an Image.


The document modifier can be used to insert certain types of documents into docx files where format is either rtf, html, or docx. This will insert the formatted document into the docx output. For more see Inserting an Embedded Document.
