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Wiki Markup
{excerpt}This class is used to represent a cursor position in the document. It sits between two characters and its position is represented as the index of the character it sits behind. A [Position|Position] object can be obtained from an [Element|Element].{excerpt}
 public sealed class Position
Public NotInheritable Class Position
{remarks}You cannot create a new {{Position}} object using the {{new}} keyword. You must get a {{Position}} object using the [GetPosition()|Element.GetPosition(Int32)] method of the {{Element}} class \(or the [Document|Document] class, which inherits from {{Element}} \). This method takes a parameter that represents the relative offset from the start of this Element to point at which to get the Position.

The following sample gets a {{Position}} object from the start of a {{Document}}.


          WordApplication app = new WordApplication();
          Document doc = app.Create();
          Position pos = doc.GetPosition(0);

          Dim app As New WordApplication()
          Dim doc As Document = app.Create()
          Dim pos As Position = doc.GetPosition(0)

|[InsertHyperlink(String, String)|Position.InsertHyperlink(String, String)]|{excerpt-include:Position.InsertHyperlink(String, String)|nopanel=true}|
|[InsertMergeField(String, String)|Position.InsertMergeField(String, String)]|{excerpt-include:Position.InsertMergeField(String, String)|nopanel=true}|
|[InsertTable(Int32, Int32)|Position.InsertTable(Int32, Int32)]|{excerpt-include:Position.InsertTable(Int32, Int32)|nopanel=true}|
|[InsertText(String, Boolean)|Position.InsertText(String, Boolean)]|{excerpt-include:Position.InsertText(String, Boolean)|nopanel=true}|