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Code Block
  public class FaxCoverGenerator
        private string toName, fromName, company, faxNumber, phoneNumber, subject, comments;
        private int pageCount;
        private bool isUrgent, isForReview, isCommentRequested;
        /// <summary>
        /// Build the report with WordTemplate
        /// </summary>
        public void GenerateDocument()
            //Desired values for the cover sheet:
            this.toName = "Jon Smith";
            this.fromName = "Robert Jones";
   = "SoftArtisans";
            this.faxNumber = "(123)-456-7890";
            this.phoneNumber = "(123)-555-5555";
            this.subject = "Sales Report";
            this.comments = "Attached is the sales report.";
            this.isUrgent = true;
            this.isForReview = true;
            this.isCommentRequested = true;
            this.pageCount = 10;
            // Form the array of mergefield names. 
            // The elements in this array correspond
            // to the names of the merge fields in the
            // template, and each element's array index
            // should correpond to an element in the value array
            string[] arrNames = {"ToName", "FromName", "Company", "FaxNumber", "PhoneNumber",
                                    "Subject", "PageCount", "Comments", "ChkUrgent", "ChkReview", "ChkComment"};
            // The value array.  The value of the elements in this
            // array contain info supplied in the web form.
            // These values represent the data that will be dynamically
            // populated in the template file
            object[] arrValues = {this.toName, this.fromName,, this.faxNumber, this.phoneNumber,
                                     this.subject, this.pageCount, this.comments,
                                     this.isUrgent?"X":"", this.isForReview?"X":"", this.isCommentRequested?"X":""};
            // Create the WordTemplate object
            WordTemplate wt = new WordTemplate();
            // Open the template document.
            string templatePath = @"..\..\WordTemplateFiles\FaxCoverTemplate.docx";
            // Set the datasource with the name and value arrays defined above
            wt.SetDataSource(arrValues, arrNames);
            // Process the template
            // Save the document



Template:  FaxCoverTemplate.docx

Output:  FaxCover_output.docx