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Comment: added helper method


Code Block
   public void GenerateDocument()
            WordTemplate wt = new WordTemplate();

            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            dt = GetCatalogData(@"..\..\WordData\NestedProductCatalogData.csv");
            dt.Columns.Add("LargePhoto", typeof(byte[]));
            //Retrieves each picture in the NestedProductCatalogImages folder
            //and get a byte[] for each one using the GetCatalogPictures Helper method. 
            //Then add this byte[] to the LargePhoto column in dt.
            for (int k = 0; k < dt.Rows.Count; k++)
                string imageName = dt.Rows[k].ItemArray[6].ToString();
                DataRow dr = dt.Rows[k];
                dr[7] = GetCatalogPictures(imageName);
            wt.SetDataSource(DateTime.Now, "HeaderData");
            //Sets the data source for the index of the catalog with bookmark string "Index"
            wt.SetRepeatBlock(GetCatalogData(@"..\..\WordData\NestedProductCatalogIndexData.csv"), "Index");

            //Sets the data source for the body of the catalog with bookmark string "Catalog"
            wt.SetRepeatBlock(dt, "Catalog");

            //Save the product catalog in the desired location on the disc

//Helper method to parse the csv files with index and catalog data into datatables
        private DataTable GetCatalogData(string csvFileName)
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            using (GenericParserAdapter parser = new GenericParserAdapter(csvFileName))
                parser.ColumnDelimiter = ',';
                parser.FirstRowHasHeader = true;

                dt = parser.GetDataTable();
            return dt;
        //Open desired file, picName, in Images\NestedProductCatalogImages and
        //return the bytearray that makes up the image.
        private byte[] GetCatalogPictures(string picName)

            //Opens image and returns byte array
            byte [] imageArray = File.ReadAllBytes(@"..\..\WordImages\NestedProductCatalogImages\"+picName);
            return imageArray;




 Template: NestedCatalogTemplate.docx

Output: NestedProductCatalog_output.docx