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titleFollowing the Sample Code

In the downloadable, there is a completed template file located in BusinessLabels/templates/Business_Label_Template.docx.


1. Include the SoftArtisans.OfficeWriter.WordWriter namespace in the code behind

Code Block

using SoftArtisans.OfficeWriter.WordWriter;

2. Create a new WordTemplate object and open the template file.

Code Block

WordTemplate WT = new WordTemplate();


This call is to a helper method GetCSVData that parses the CSV files and returns a DataTable with the values.

Code Block

DataTable dtBusinessLabels = GetCSVData("//data//BusinessLabelTutorialData.csv");


Recall that SetMailMerge treats the entire document as a repeat block. This means that the merge fields in the document will need to match the column names of the data source. If there are any stray merge fields in the document, WordWriter will throw an error.

Code Block


5. Process and save the template file.

Code Block

WT.Save(Page.Response, "Business_Label_Output.docx", false);

The completed code should look like this:

Code Block

//Instantiate a new WordTemplate object
WordTemplate WT = new WordTemplate();

//Open the template file

//Get the order info datatable using GenericParser
DataTable dtBusinessLabels = GetCSVData("//data//BusinessLabelTutorialData.csv");

//Set the data sources to import a single row of data for each source

//Process to import the data to the template

WT.Save(Page.Response, "Business_Labels_Output.docx", false);


NEXT fields in the template

1. Place the cursor in the topmost right table cell. This is where the NEXT field will go.


By default, NEXT fields will be ignored by WordWriter. To enable NEXT fields, set the WordTemplate.EnableNEXTFields property. This property must be set before WordTemplate.Open is called.

Code Block

WT.EnableNEXTFields = true;

Final Code

Code Block

//Instantiate a new WordTemplate object
WordTemplate WT = new WordTemplate();

//NEXT fields will be ignored by default
//This must be set before Open() is called
WT.EnableNEXTFields = true;

//Open the template file

//Get the order info datatable using GenericParser
DataTable dtBusinessLabels = GetCSVData("//data//BusinessLabelTutorialData.csv");

//Set the data sources to import a single row of data for each source

//Process to import the data to the template

WT.Save(Page.Response, "Business_Labels_Output.docx", false);
