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Below are a list of changes made to non-core components of OfficeWriter.

h1. OfficeWriter 8.1.2

h3. Issues Resolved

* OfficeWriter 8 was not FIPS compliant, which prevented installing or running OfficeWriter 8 on FIPS-enabled machines. This fix has been applied to the OfficeWriter installer and license key manager. 


Below are a list of added features and bug fixes that are incorporated for each minor and major build of ExcelWriter.

h1. ExcelWriter 8.1.2

h3. Issues Resolved

* ExcelWriter 8 was not FIPS compliant, which prevented installing or running ExcelWriter 8 on FIPS-enabled machines.

h1. ExcelWriter 8.1.1

_No changes were made to ExcelWriter for 8.1.1._


Below are a list of added features and bug fixes that are incorporated for each minor and major build of WordWriter.

h1. WordWriter 8.1.2

h3. Issues Resolved

* WordWriter 8 was not FIPS compliant, which prevented installing or running WordWriter 8 on FIPS-enabled machines. 

h1. WordWriter 8.1.1

_No changes were made to WordWriter for 8.1.1._


{card:label=Reporting Services}
Below are a list of added features and bug fixes that are incorporated for each minor and major build of the OfficeWriter Reporting Services integration.

h2. Reporting Services Integration 8.1.1

h3. Issues Resolved

* The OfficeWriter Designer 8.1.0 installer required VB6 (for Office 2007) to be installed. The OfficeWriter Designer 8.1.1 installer requires etiher VB6 (Office 2007) or VB7 (Office 2010) to be installed.


{card:label=OfficeWriter 8}

h1. OfficeWriter 8.1

h2. ExcelWriter

h3. Features Added
* [Axis.LinkedtoSource] and [SeriesDataLabel.LinkedToSource] for ExcelApplication
* Improved support for tables in OOXML files for ExcelApplication

h3. Issues Resolved

h5. Template Object
* No exception thrown when rows of imported data exceeds file format limit 
* Cultures with different thousand separators cause corrupt output in OOXML files
* Rows pushed down when using pivot tables in OOXML files

h5. Application Object
* Getting a data label for a data point puts x-axis values in chart legend
* Deleting a row with conditional formatting causes a file error in Excel 2007/2010
* Hyperlink.Href returns null value instead of a valid link
* Exception thrown if chart legend has a background fill 

*The following fixes apply only to OOXML files:*
* _SoftArtisans.OfficeWriter.ExcelWriter.XMLModel at index does not exist_ exception thrown
* Unable to create hyperlinks in a merged area adjacent to another merged area
* [Workbook.UseRCFormulaNotation] always returned false

h2. WordWriter

h3. Features Added
* Ability to unlink IF fields in OOXML files after they are evaluated by WordTemplate with [WordTemplate.UnlinkIFFields]

h3. Issues Resolved
* [Table.InsertRows|Table.InsertRows(Int32, Int32)] takes the formatting from the first row of the table
* WordTemplate image modifier does not scale images correctly in OOXML files

h2. Reporting Services Integration

h3. Features Added
* New ribbon design for Office 2007/2010 in Excel and Word
* OfficeWriter Designer support for Office 2010
* Redesigned and improved installer for the OfficeWriter Designer 

h3. Issues Resolved
* Designer in Excel hangs when previewing reports after changing multiple parameter values

h1. OfficeWriter 8.0

h2. Installer

h3. Features Added

* Redesigned and improved kit for installing .NET, Reporting Services, and SharePoint solutions on 32-bit and 64-bit systems. 

h2. ExcelWriter

h3. Features Added

* Complete support for Excel 2007/2010 (XLSX) file formats with ExcelApplication

h3. Issues Resolved

* Deleting the last remaining worksheet in a Workbook throws an exception on call to Save instead of on Delete
* Passing a non-seekable Stream object to a method when creating a picture will throw an exception
* Merged cells next to data markers on adjacent rows causes corrupt output
* License Manager tool displays popup twice when upgrading OfficeWriter key
* ExcelWriter allowed setting of invalid font sizes, which resulted in warnings in Excel 2010
* Incorrect default character width ysed for default font

h2. WordWriter

h3. Features Added

* Ability to [include arbitrary RTF or HTML documents in merge fields|WW8:Inserting an Embedded Document] with WordTemplate

h2. Reporting Services Integration

_There were no changes to the core Reporting Services Integration for OfficeWriter 8.0._

{card:label=OfficeWriter 4}

Below are a list of added features and bug fixes that are incorporated for each minor build of OfficeWriter 4.

h1. OfficeWriter 4.6.1

h2. ExcelWriter 7.6.1

h3. Features Added

* ExcelApplication is now 20% faster and requires 20% less memory

h3. Issues Resolved

* Specific formula caused "Unreadable Content" error in XLSX file processed by ExcelTemplate in SSRS
* ExcelWriter would return the wrong default character width for Calibri - size 11
* ExcelApplication threw an exception when parsing some SSRS 2008 generated Excel files
* Chart text was not properly set to "Automatic" by default
* Data Series in charts were sometimes not sequenced correctly
* GetHeader and GetFooter threw NullReferenceException when called on newly created worksheets

h2. WordWriter 4.6.1

_There were no changes made to WordWriter in 4.6.1._

h2. Reporting Services Integration 4.6.1

h3. Issues Resolved

* Specific formula caused "Unreadable Content" error in XLSX file processed by ExcelTemplate in SSRS \\ \* Opening an RDL in the OfficeWriter Designer threw a "Type Mismatch" error with certain regional settings

h1. OfficeWriter 4.6

h2. Installer

* ExcelWriter COM and the WordTemplate COM-callable wrapper are no longer automatically installed during the OfficeWriter installation process. Bits are available upon request.

h2. ExcelWriter 7.6

h3. Features Added

* Data markers in Pivot Table cells are no longer processed explicitly (with data being brought in) or implicitly (with blank rows added to the sheet), as described in the new [Templates and Pivot Tables (deprecated)] page
** Pivot Table templates no longer require dummy data
** Pivot Table templates no longer require edit copies set not to refresh on open
** Shapes and Charts can be placed beside Pivot Tables
* Sparklines now preserved in Excel 2010 created file when processed by ExcelTemplate

h3. Issues Resolved

* ExcelTemplate threw an error on Excel 2010-created files with Excel 2003-format pivot tables
* Shapes such as charts stretched when placed next to pivot tables that were filled using ExcelTemplate
* ExcelWriter generated files no longer open in protected mode in Excel 2010

h2. WordWriter 4.6

h3. Features Added

* Since the WordTemplate COM-callable wrapper is no longer installed, WordWriter is no longer installed in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC).

h3. Issues resolved

* Some files processed by WordTemplate, then WordApplication, caused errors when opened in Word 2010
* WordWriter threw an error when repeat blocks were in tables in templates created using Word 2010

h2. Reporting Services Integration 4.6

*Issues Resolved*

* Reporting Services 2008 R2 formulas did not work in OfficeWriter Reporting Services integration for Word \\ \* OfficeWriter Designer did not read Reporting Services 2008 formulas from the RDL files

h1. OfficeWriter 4.5.1

h2. License Key Manager

h3. Issues Resolved

* License Key Manager threw error when being run on a machine with no SoftArtisans license keys in the registry.

h2. ExcelWriter 7.5.1

h3. Features Added

* ExcelWriter can now insert images into headers and footers using the new [HeaderFooterPicture] object.
* The new [HeaderFooterSection] object allows greater control over headers and footers
* The new [ChartFillPattern (no attachments)] class provides values for all Excel 2003 patterns
* The new [SeriesDataLabel.DataLabelPlacement] property allows you to explicitly set the location of the data label on each data point in a Series using the [DataLabelPlacementType] enum

h3. Issues Resolved

* Issues with PivotCharts in ExcelTemplate
** PivotCharts missing data in ExcelTemplate reports when streamed to client
** PivotCharts lose series formatting in OOXML (Excel 2007) file format
* ExcelTemplate did not work with template files created in Excel 2010
* ExcelTemplate did not throw an error if file format limits on the number of characters in a cell were exceeded.
* Processing certain files with comments using ExcelTemplate created a corrupt file
* Calling [ExcelTemplate.Process()|ExcelTemplate.Process()] on files were certain formulas threw an "Unrecognizable symbol" exception.
* ExcelApplication did not throw an error if file format limits on the number of characters in a cell were exceeded.
* Horizontal page breaks could not be inserted on worksheets created using [Worksheets.CopySheet|Worksheets.CopySheet(Worksheet, Int32, String)]
* [PageSetup] attributes were not applied to worksheets created using Worksheets.CopySheet
* Merging some spreadsheets created using Crystal Reports resulted in a corrupt workbook.
* A number of Charting API issues in ExcelApplication
** Setting Series.Label.ContainsValue broke formatting
** Setting DataPoint.Interior.Pattern corrupted some files
** Data Labels set in code not visible in Excel 2003
** Picture chart fills cause an exception to be thrown when patterns are read
** ExcelApplication fails to parse Legend visibility correctly
** Some files were corrupted when a Series was removed from a SeriesCollection
** Setting a CategoryData formula to a multi-column range threw an invalid formula exception
* [ColumnProperties.AutoFitWidth()|ColumnProperties.AutoFitWidth()] entered an infinite loop on columns with certain NumberFormat settings
* [Cell.Formula] threw an exception when attempting to read a formula referencing an external workbook using VLookup
* Some files generated with ExcelTemplate created corrupt files when opened and saved in ExcelApplication

h2. WordWriter 4.5.1

h3. Issues Resolved

* WordTemplate created a corrupted file when processing two IF fields
* WordTempalte threw an exception or produced a corrupt file when processing a template with IF fields containing other fields
* Merging a document with a programmatically-created table into another document threw an index out of bounds exception
* After replacing an object in a header or footer using [Element.SearchAndReplace|Element.SearchAndReplace(String, String)], the next call to SearchAndReplace() threw a WordWriterException
* [Watermark] object can now access watermarks in input files
* [Watermark] was not able to insert new watermarks
* Setting some table styles using WordApplication caused formatting issues and corrupted tables
* Merging two documents using [Document.Append|Document.Append(Document)] caused corrupted output in some cases
* Opening and saving a file created using a non-English version of Word caused formatting issues

h2. Reporting Services Integration 4.5.1

h3. Features Added

* OfficeWriter Designer now supports reports built using Report Builder 3.0

h3. Issues Resolved

* Reporting Services reports created with the OfficeWriter Designer broke reports when an Oracle data source was used.

h1. OfficeWriter 4.5

h2. ExcelWriter 7.5

h3. Features Added

* [ExcelWriter SharePoint Integration|SharePointIntegration]
** ExcelWriter can now use SharePoint Lists and Views as data sources
** ExcelWriter can now output spreadsheets to Document Libraries or as List Item attachments
* [Cell.SetAddInFormula|Cell.SetAddInFormula(String)] method

h3. Issues Resolved

* ExcelTemplate can now process files created using Microsoft's OOXML SDK
** Process method no longer throws exception when processing a worksheet copied using Microsoft's OOXML SDK
** Process method no longer throws exception when processing a workbook with a large number of worksheets copied using Microsoft's OOXML SDK
* Issues with deleting worksheets in workbooks
** Deleting a Worksheet in a Workbook with Worksheet-level named ranges no longer corrupts the output spreadsheet
** Deleting a Worksheet in a Workbook with Workbook-level named ranges no longer throws an "Unable to parse formula" exception when Save is called
** Calling [PageSetup.SetPrintTitleRows|PageSetup.SetPrintTitleRows(Int32, Int32)] or [PageSetup.SetPrintTitleColumns|PageSetup.SetPrintTitleColumns(Int32, Int32)] on the last sheet of a workbook, then deleting the worksheet no longer throws exception on Save
* Improved Grouping and Nesting Support
** Headers and Footers are no longer printed when the data source is empty
** [Data marker modifiers|Creating Data Markers#modifiers] now also work on %%value() markers
** Merged cells are now preserved in spreadsheets with Grouping and Nesting
** Conditional formatting copied from a header or footer to a data marker row using paste special \-> formats is now preserved
** Shared formulas in headers or footers are changed to equivalent regular formulas, rather than causing a corrupt output spreadsheet
* [ExcelTemplate.Process()|ExcelTemplate.Process()] issues with some templates
** Process no longer fails on a small number of template files that had previously caused it to fail
** Process no longer throws a "Cannot find last DBCELL record" after being first opened in ExcelApplication
** Process no longer throws a "Sheet was not in expected location" error after being first opened in ExcelApplication
* [Shape.FillTransparency] no longer inverts its value
* Cell values on sheets created using [Worksheets.CopySheet|Worksheets.CopySheet(Worksheet, Int32, String)] no longer reference incorrect values
* Calling [ColumnProperties.AutoFitWidth()|ColumnProperties.AutoFitWidth()] on a column with a custom [NumberFormat] no longer causes an Out of Memory exception
* R1C1-style formulas no longer cause an "Unable to parse formula" exception
* Improved ability to handle spreadsheets generated by Crystal Reports
** ExcelWriter can now open some files generated by Crystal Reports that had previously been impossible to open
** Small bmp files can now be copied from Excel spreadsheets generated through Crystal Reports

h2. WordWriter 4.5
h3. Features Added

* [WordWriter SharePoint Integration|SharePointIntegration]
** WordWriter can now use SharePoint Lists and Views as data sources
** WordWriter can now save documents as Document Library items or List Item attachments
* New [WordTemplate.SaveExtension] property returns the extension of the template file that has been opened
* New [Document.Append|Document.Append(Document)] method appends one Document to another, preserving all Sections, including header and footers plus other section formatting
* WordWriter now supports [Grouping and Nesting|Creating a Grouped and Nested Document (deprecated)] with the WordTemplate object

h3. Issues resolved

* Improved WordTemplate support for Open Office XML format
** Newline characters now handled correctly by [WordTemplate] in the Open Office XML file format
** Support for all Open Office XML file extensions (.docm, .dotx, and .dotm all are now supported)
* Deleting table rows containing merge fields within a bookmark no longer damages the bookmark, allowing the template to populate without corrupting the output document
* Binding an empty DataTable to a template using [WordTemplate.SetRepeatBlock] no longer throws an exception, but instead removes bookmark
* Inserting content into a header with field no longer causes a corrupt document
* Custom styles preserved when two [Document] objects are merged using the [Document.InsertAfter|Element.InsertAfter(Element)] method
* Word documents with images with text wrapping settings other than "Inline with Text" no longer corrupted when opened and saved using WordApplication
* Setting [TableFormatting.AutoWidth] to true no longer fails to have any effect; columns set to Auto using [Table.SetPreferredColumnWidthUnits|Table.SetPreferredColumnWidthUnits(Int32, TableCell.WidthUnits)] will now have their widths automatically calculated

h2. Reporting Services Integration 4.5

_No changes were made to the Reporting Services Integration for 4.5.0_

h1. OfficeWriter 4.1
h2. ExcelWriter 7.1

h3. Features Added

* ExcelTemplate can process files created with Microsoft's Office Open XML (OOXML) SDK
* Nesting and grouping formatting enabled for OOXML files. For more information, see [Creating Data Markers|Creating Data Markers#grouping]

h3. Issues Resolved

* Compiler error thrown while using ChartType enumeration in Visual Studio 2008
* Several issues addressed regarding support for files created by the native Excel renderer from SQL Server Reporting Services 2008
** Accessing worksheets threw object reference exceptions
** Creating a chart and adding a series corrupted the output file
** Adding or removing rows or columns, copying worksheets, or creating a named range threw an internal casting exception
** Creating a range from one or more areas threw a parser exception
** Accessing or changing colors in the Palette threw Invalid Color Index exception
* Several issues addressed regarding support for files created by the native Excel renderer from SQL Server Reporting Services 2005
** Missing shared string table from some spreadsheets threw Object Reference exception
** ColumnProperty.ApplyStyle() failed to get Style interface unless Worksheet.PopulatedCells was first accessed
* ExcelWriter did not process three-letter columns correctly when referencing cells, for example "AAA4"
* AutoFitWidth threw IndexOutOfBounds exception for column with formula formatted as number
* Calling ApplyStyle() or SetStyle() on a ColumnProperties object referencing a column with a formula in it threw an Object Reference exception
* Setting CharacterRun.Font properties for more than 586 cells corrupted the file
* Setting CORREL function with Application object displayed "#VALUE" until user clicked on the cell
* ExcelTemplate.ExcludeMacros property now available when working with OOXML files
* Strings that looked like data markers after a formula is evaluated were treated like data markers
* The wrong content-type header was being sent when streaming OOXML files to the user, causing some browsers to treat them as BIFF8 (.xls) files
* ExcelTemplate no longer inserts a 0 for Null values brought into an OOXML template using a DataReader

h2. WordWriter 4.1

h3. Features Added

* WordTemplate can evaluate formulas for Word 2007 OOXML file format files (.docx/.docm).  For more information, see [Creating Merge Fields#formulas]

h3. Issues Resolved

* Deleting an element in a table made in Word 2007 corrupted the output document in some cases
* Deleting a row in a table also deleted the value in the first cell of the next row
* In some cases documents with embedded images threw Out of Memory exceptions
* Calling Document.Search() on a document with an empty field threw a stack overflow exception
* Inserting many images with WordTemplate caused some images not to display

h2. Reporting Services Integration 4.1

h3. Issues resolved

* OfficeWriter Designer threw an error when attempting to publish a 2008 RDL with a Report Global embedded using the Insert Formula button
* OfficeWriter Designer threw data source exception when a query was associated with a row in a table in a Word Document
* OfficeWriter Designer did not allow exporting Excel 2007 files with macros as RDLs
* OfficeWriter Designer's RDL parser thew an Unknown Exception for report model data sources with field names containing fewer than 5 characters

h1. OfficeWriter 4.0

h2. ExcelWriter 7.0

h3. Features Added
* ExcelWriter is written in pure C# .NET and no longer has a dependency on the J# runtime
* ExcelTemplate supports Excel 2007 OpenOXML (OOXML) files with .xlsx, .xlsm, .xltx, and .xltm extensions
* Support for creating and viewing ExcelWriter files in Excel 2007
* Ability to iterate over all named ranges in a worksheet or workbook
* New [Shape.FillTransparency] property added
* Ability to bind data to an individual worksheet with the [DataBindingProperties] object
* Support for unicode in data markers
* New Cell.GetTextHeight and GetTextWidth methods for autofitting merged cells
* New InsertRows() and InsertColumns() methods
* Performance improvements:
** ExcelTemplate + ExcelApplication
**# Processes binary (XLS) files up to 50% faster
**# Blank cell optimizations results in 400% improvement in speed and memory usage when using ExcelTemplate and ExcelApplication together
** ExcelTemplate
**# Formulas are processed up to twice as fast
**# Reduced memory usage
**# Ability to bind data only to a specific worksheet
** ExcelApplication
**# Faster algorithm for style optimization
**# Improved performance when opening existing files and setting column widths
**# Formulas can be inserted up to 8 times faster and improved performance for the formula parser
**# Improved autofit algorithm

h2. WordWriter 4.0

h3. Featured Added

* Support for Office Open XML (OOXML) files in WordTemplate with .docx, docm, dotx, dotm file extensions
* Support for creating and viewing files in Word 2007 including:
** Support for new themes, styles, table formatting options, hapes, charts, and diagrams
* Written in pure #C .NET and no longer depends on J# runtime
* Ability to evaluate IF fields
* New EnableNextFields property
* New SetMailMerge functionality to mimic Microsoft Word mail merge
* Improvements to performance
** WordTemplate uses 40x less memory with OOXML files when processing large files or importing large amounts of data
** WordTemplate is 35% when processing large binary (DOC) files
** WordApplication is up to 6x faster when processing binary files
* HMTLtoWord open source project for importing HTML into WordWriter documents

h2. Reporting Services 4.0
h3. Features Added
* *Full SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 support* \\ 
The OfficeWriter Designer now supports the embedding of Excel and Word within reports for SQL Server Reporting Services 2008. \\ \* *Add real Excel and Word to reports designed in Visual Studio 2008* \The OfficeWriter Designer also now supports reports designed in Visual Studio 2008 and Report Builder 2.0, allowing         the addition of Excel and Word versions to an existing report. \\ \* *Office Open XML Format support* \In SoftArtisans OfficeWriter version 4, the Office Open XML format (.docx and .xlsx; .docm and .xlsm) is now supported. \\ \* *Significant performance improvements* \Improvements with memory efficiency in underlying ExcelWriter and WordWriter DLLs can lead to significant performance gains \\ \* *Unicode Field Names in Data Markers* \\ 
Data markers can now include any Unicode character except brackets \[\] and braces {} \\ \* *Unicode Data Source Names with Excel Reports* \\ 
Excel reports now accept any Unicode character in data source names