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titleFollowing the Sample Code

In the downloadable, there is a completed template file located in CompleteFinancialReport/templates/Part1_Financial_Template.xlsx.


1. Include the SoftArtisans.OfficeWriter.ExcelWriter namespace in the code behind

Code Block

using SoftArtisans.OfficeWriter.ExcelWriter;


3. Open the template file with the ExcelTemplate.Open method.

Code Block


4. Create a DataBindingProperties object. None of the binding properties will be changed for this tutorial, but DataBindingProperties is a required parameter in ExcelTemplate data binding methods.

Code Block

DataBindingProperties dataProps = XLT.CreateDataBindingProperties();


These calls are to a helper method GetCSVData that parses the CSV files and returns a DataTable with the values.

Code Block

DataTable dtAssets = GetCSVData("//data//Assets.csv");
DataTable dtLosses = GetCSVData("//data//Losses.csv");
DataTable dtOther = GetCSVData("//data//Other.csv");

2. Create the datasets for the header row. Recall the optional modifier for the "Division" tag. This tutorial will not bind any data for that tag to demonstrate the function.

Code Block

//Create the array of header values. This example only binds a single item
string[] headerValues = { "2011" };

//Create the array of header names.
string[] headerNames = { "FiscalYear" };

3. Use ExcelTemplate.BindData to bind the data for the Assets, Losses, and Other data sets.

Code Block

XLT.BindData(dtAssets, "Assets", bindingProps);
XLT.BindData(dtLosses, "Losses", bindingProps);
XLT.BindData(dtOther, "Other", bindingProps);

4. Use the ExcelTemplate.BindRowData method to bind the header data to the data markers in the template file (i.e. %%=Header.FiscalYear).

Code Block

XLT.BindRowData(headerValues, headerNames, "Header", bindingProps);

5. Call ExcelTemplate.Process() to import all data into the file.

Code Block


6. Call  ExcelTemplate.Save() to save the final output


The final output should look something like this:

Final Code

Code Block

using SoftArtisans.OfficeWriter.ExcelWriter;
using GenericParsing;

//Instantiate the template object
ExcelTemplate XLT = new ExcelTemplate();

//Open the file

//Create data binding properties
DataBindingProperties bindingProps = XLT.CreateDataBindingProperties();

//Get the data from the CSVs. More info about the generic parser is available
//in the project and in the tutorial above.
DataTable dtAssets = GetCSVData("//data//Assets.csv");
DataTable dtLosses = GetCSVData("//data//Losses.csv");
DataTable dtOther = GetCSVData("//data//Other.csv");

//Declare the row data. This tutorial uses a single item array to demonstrate the
//optional modifier
string\[\] headerValues = { "2011" };
string\[\] headerNames = { "FiscalYear" };

//Bind each datatable
XLT.BindData(dtAssets, "Assets", bindingProps);
XLT.BindData(dtLosses, "Losses", bindingProps);
XLT.BindData(dtOther, "Other", bindingProps);

//Bind the single row data
XLT.BindRowData(headerValues, headerNames, "Header", bindingProps);

//Call process to import data to file

//Save the file
XLT.Save(Page.Response, "temp.xlsx", false);


You can download the code for the Financial Report here.

Next Steps

Continue to Part 2: Using Styles and Formatting