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ExcelApplication's ImportData method allows you to import blocks of data to a worksheet from a database or a rectangular array. ImportData is a method of both Worksheet and Area. The method returns a Area object representing a the set of cells that contain the imported data.

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Table of Contents


To import values from a database to your worksheet:

  1. Connect to the database and execute a query to return a DataTable, DataView, SqlDataReader, OleDbDataReader, or AdomdDataReader for example:

    Code Block
    private DataTable GetEmployeeDataTable()
         string EmployeeSQL = "SELECT TOP 10 FirstName + ' ' + LastName As Name, " +
              "Title FROM Employee";
         DataTable dt = new DataTable();
         //--- "connString" is a SQL connection string
         using(SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connString))
              new SqlDataAdapter(EmployeeSQL, conn).Fill(dt);
         return dt;
  2. Pass the ADO.NET DataTable to ImportData:

    Code Block
    //--- Import to a worksheet and pass ImportData
    //--- the cell at which to start entering the data.
    Cell CellB5 = Sheet1.Cells[4, 1];
    Area importedValues = Sheet1.ImportData(dt, CellB5);
    //--- Or: Import to a defined area.
    Area targetArea = Sheet1.CreateArea(4, 4, 15, 6);
    Area importedValues = targetArea.ImportData(dt);


To import values from a two-dimensional array to your worksheet:

  1. Create a rectangular array, for example:

    Code Block
    string[,] arrayData = {{"Nancy", "Davolio", "Sales Manager"},
         {"Michael", "Suyama", "HR Representative"},
         {"Adrian", "King", "IS Support"}};
  2. Pass the array to ImportData:

    Code Block
    //--- Import to a worksheet and pass ImportData
    //--- the cell at which to start entering the data.
    Cell CellB5 = Sheet1.Cells[4, 1];
    Area importedValues = Sheet1.ImportData(arrayData, CellB5);
    //--- Or: Import to a defined area.
    Area targetArea = Sheet1.CreateArea(4, 4, 15, 6);
    Area importedValues = targetArea.ImportData(arrayData);


To customize a data import using a DataImportProperties object:

  1. Create a DataImportProperties object with the Workbook.CreateDataImportProperties() method:

    Code Block
    ExcelApplication xla = new ExcelApplication();
    Workbook wb = xla.Create();
    DataImportProperties importProps = wb.CreateDataImportProperties();
  2. Set one or more data import propeties:

    Code Block
    //--- Truncate imported data rows and columns that do
    //--- not fit within the target rows and columns in the spreadsheet.
    importProps.Truncate = true;
    //--- By default, when data is imported from a two-dimensional
    //--- array, the data will be entered as [row][column]. If
    //--- Transpose is set to true, the data will be entered as
    //--- [column][row].
    importProps.Transpose = true;
  3. Define a DataTable, DataView, SqlDataReader, OleDbDataReader, AdomdDataReader or rectangular array, for example:

    Code Block
    string[,] arrayData = {{"Nancy", "Davolio", "Sales Manager"},
         {"Michael", "Suyama", "HR Representative"},
         {"Adrian", "King", "IS Support"}};
  4. Pass the data and the DataImportProperties object to ImportData:

    Code Block
    ExcelApplication xla = new ExcelApplication();
    Workbook wb = xla.Create();
    Worksheet ws = wb.Worksheets[0];
    DataImportProperties importProps = wb.CreateDataImportProperties();
    //--- UseColumnNames will import column names in addition to data
    importProps.UseColumnNames = true;
    //--- Import to a worksheet and pass ImportData
    //--- the cell at which to start entering the data.
    Cell CellB5 = ws.Cells[4, 1];
    String[] colNames = {"Name", "LastName", "Title"};
    Area importedValues = ws.ImportData(arrayData, colNames,
         CellB5, importProps);
    //--- Or: Import to a defined area.
    Area targetArea = ws.CreateArea(4, 4, 15, 6);
    String[] colNames = {"Name", "LastName", "Title"};
    Area importedValues = targetArea.ImportData(arrayData, colNames,