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If you have a complex workbook with many sheets and you aren't sure how large it is, here's a simple macro you can use for calculating the total number of cells and approximate memory required:

Private Sub CalculateCells()

Dim cellcount As Double

Dim Sheet

cellcount = 0

For Each Sheet In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets

cellcount = cellcount + Sheet.UsedRange.Cells.Count


Dim message As String

message = "Total cells in workbook: " & vbCrLf & FormatNumber(Round(cellcount), 0) & vbCrLf

message = message & "Approximate memory required (at 400 bytes per cell): " & vbCrLf

message = message & FormatNumber(Round(cellcount * 400), 0) & " bytes " & vbCrLf

message = message & Math.Round(((cellcount / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) * 400), 2) & " gigabytes"

MsgBox (message)

End Sub

Best Practices for Large Reports
