Page tree

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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


When Excel refreshes the PivotTable, it will observe the SortOptions setting for a particular field.


Adding data fields - calculated fields, naming conventions, changing the display name

To create a data field, call CreateField on the DataFields collection. Unlike row labels, column labels, and page fields, multiple data fields can be created from the same source field.


Code Block
ExcelApplication xla = new ExcelApplication();
Workbook wb = xla.Open("\\BasicExample.xlsx"); //Template already contains the data

Worksheet data_ws = wb.Worksheets["Data"];
Worksheet pivot_ws = wb.Worksheets["Pivot"];

Area data_area = data_ws.CreateArea(0, 0, 9, 244);

//Create a PivotTable in cell A1 on worksheet 'Pivot'
PivotTable pt = pivot_ws.PivotTables.CreatePivotTable(data_area, 0, 0);

//Set some of the PivotTable options
pt.PivotTableSettings.RefreshOnOpen = true;
pt.PivotTableSettings.ItemsToRetain.Value = ItemsToRetain.None;

SourceField prodSubCategory = pt.SourceFields[0], prodName = pt.SourceFields[1], sales = pt.SourceFields[2],
	 dateStart = pt.SourceFields[3], dateEnd = pt.SourceFields[4], prodStdCost = pt.SourceFields[5],
		listPrice = pt.SourceFields[6], discount = pt.SourceFields[7], unitDiscountPrice = pt.SourceFields[8];

//Create some page fields

//Create some row labels
PivotTableField prodSubCategoryFld = pt.RowLabels.CreateField(prodSubCategory);
PivotTableField prodNameFld = pt.RowLabels.CreateField(prodName);
PivotTableField salesFld = pt.RowLabels.CreateField(sales);

//Set where the subtotals for the groups are displayed
prodNameFld.DisplaySubtotalsAtTop = true;
salesFld.DisplaySubtotalsAtTop = false;

//Set the sort type to be ascending
prodSubCategoryFld.SortOptions.Ordering = SortOptions.OrderingType.Ascending;
prodNameFld.SortOptions.Ordering = SortOptions.OrderingType.Ascending;
salesFld.SortOptions.Ordering = SortOptions.OrderingType.Ascending;

//Create some data fields
PivotTableField lp = pt.DataFields.CreateField(listPrice);
PivotTableField dct = pt.DataFields.CreateField(discount);
PivotTableField udct = pt.DataFields.CreateField(unitDiscountPrice);

//Set the display name
lp.DisplayName = "Avg List Price";
dct.DisplayName = "Avg Discount";
udct.DisplayName = "Avg Discount Price";

//Set the summarize by values
lp.SummarizeBy = PivotTableField.SummarizeByType.Average;
dct.SummarizeBy = PivotTableField.SummarizeByType.Average;
udct.SummarizeBy = PivotTableField.SummarizeByType.Average;

//Set the number format
lp.NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
dct.NumberFormat = "0.00%";
udct.NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";

xla.Save(wb, "\\BasicExampleOut.xlsx");

Additional Resources

  • Documentation on creating an ExcelTemplate PivotTable
  • Documentation on modifying an existing PivotTable
  • PivotTable Settings Glossary
  • PivotTablEField Settings Glossary
  • Templates and PivotTables - using PivotTables with ExcelTemplate
  • Intro to PivotTables - Terminology from Excel
  • Answers post on how to set properties that aren't available
  • Using CopySheet with PivotTables