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titleFollowing the Sample

In the sample project, we are parsing CSV files with query results, rather than querying a live database. The CSV files are available under the data directory. There is a copy of the CSV parser, GenericParsing.dll in the bin directory of the project GetCSVData is defined in Part1.aspx.cs in a region marked Utility Methods.

1.Get the data for the Assets, Losses, and Other datasets

These calls are to a helper method GetCSVData that parses the CSV files and returns a DataTable with the values.

If you are following in your own project and would like to parse the CSV files as well, you will need to:

  • Add a reference to GenericParsing.dll
  • Include GeneringParsing at the top of your code.
  • Add the GetCSVData method that can be found in the sample code.

1.Get the data for the Assets, Losses, and Other datasets

These calls are to a helper method GetCSVData that parses the CSV files and returns a DataTable with the values.

Code Block
DataTable dtAssets = GetCSVData("//data//Assets.csv");
DataTable dtLosses = GetCSVData("//data//Losses.csv");
DataTable dtOther = GetCSVData("//data//Other.csv");


Code Block
using SoftArtisans.OfficeWriter.ExcelWriter;
using GenericParsing;

//Instantiate the template object
ExcelTemplate XLT = new ExcelTemplate();

//Open the file

//Create data binding properties
DataBindingProperties bindingProps = XLT.CreateDataBindingProperties();

//Get the data from the CSVs. More info about the generic parser is available
//in the project and in the tutorial above.
DataTable dtAssets = GetCSVData("//data//Assets.csv");
DataTable dtLosses = GetCSVData("//data//Losses.csv");
DataTable dtOther = GetCSVData("//data//Other.csv");

//Declare the row data. This tutorial uses a single item array to demonstrate the
//optional modifier
string\[\] headerValues = { "2011" };
string\[\] headerNames = { "FiscalYear" };

//Bind each datatable
XLT.BindData(dtAssets, "Assets", bindingProps);
XLT.BindData(dtLosses, "Losses", bindingProps);
XLT.BindData(dtOther, "Other", bindingProps);

//Bind the single row data
XLT.BindRowData(headerValues, headerNames, "Header", bindingProps);

//Call process to import data to file

//Save the file
XLT.Save(Page.Response, "temp.xlsx", false);
