Passes a presentation from PowerPointApplication to PowerPointTemplate.

 public virtual void Open(PowerPointApplication pptApplication, Presentation presentation)
Public Overridable Sub Open(ByVal pptApplication As PowerPointApplication, ByVal presentation As Presentation)

The instance of PowerPointApplication that was used to create the spreadsheet.

A Presentation object representing the PowerPoint file created with PowerPointApplication.

Open will throw this exception if null (C#) or Nothing (VB.NET) is passed to the method.

You can use PowerPointApplication to create a document with data markers (a template) and pass the file to PowerPointTemplate to populate the data markers.

          PowerPointApplication ppta = new PowerPointApplication();
          Presentation pres = ppta.Create(PowerPointApplication.FileFormat.Pptx);
          PowerPointTemplate pptt = new PowerPointTemplate();
          pptt.Open(ppta, pres);


          Dim ppta As New PowerPointApplication()
          Dim pres As Presentation = ppta.Create(PowerPointApplication.FileFormat.Pptx)
          Dim pptt As New PowerPointTemplate()
          pptt.Open(ppta, pres)