Sets an IEnumerable as a data source to bind to template data markers.

public void BindData(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable dataSource, System.String dataSourceName, DataBindingProperties property)
Public Sub BindData(ByVal dataSource As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable, ByVal dataSourceName As String, ByVal [property] As DataBindingProperties)

The IEnumerable collection to use as the data source.

The name of the set of data markers at which to insert the values imported from the data source. Note: dataSourceName does not include a data marker's column name, for example, the dataSourceName for %%=Products.ProductID is "Products."

The DataBindingProperties object which contains information about how the data should be bound to the template. To bind data to a template with the default DataBindingProperties, pass in PowerPointTemplate.CreateDataBindingProperties() as the property value.

BindData will throw this exception if null (C#) or Nothing (VB.NET) is passed to the method.

          PowerPointTemplate pptt = new PowerPointTemplate();

          interface IOrder
               int OrderID;
               string Customer;
               DateTime OrderDate;
               float OrdersTotal;

          IEnumerable<IOrder> orders = GetOrders();
          pptt.BindData(orders, "Orders", pptt.CreateDataImportProperties());
Option Strict On
Option Explicit On

          Dim pptt As New PowerPointTemplate()
          Interface IOrder
               Property OrderID() as Int32
               Property Customer() as String
               Property OrderDate() as DateTime
               Property OrdersTotal() as Single
          End Interface

          Dim orders as IEnumerable(Of Order) = GetOrders()
          pptt.BindData(orders, "Orders", pptt.CreateDataImportProperties())