The Process method replaces the template's data markers with actual values from the data sources, and creates the output file (the new presentation file) in memory. The Save method can then save the output file to disk, stream it to the browser, or both.

public void Process()
Public Sub Process()

Call Process after SetDataSource and before Save.

You can call Process only once for each instance of PowerPointTemplate.


          PowerPointTemplate pptt = new PoweRPointTemplate();
          pptt.Open(Application["templatepath"] +

          //--- Set a data source for the data marker "SimpleArray."
          string[] onedim = {"SoftArtisans", "OfficeWriter", "ExcelTemplate"};
          pptt.SetColumnDataSource(onedim, "SimpleArray");

          //--- Process the template to populate it with the data source data.

          //--- Stream the processed document to the client.
          pptt.Save(Page.Response, "ArrayBinding.pptx", false);
          Dim pptt As New PowerPointTemplate()
          pptt.Open(Application("templatepath") & _

          '--- Set a data source for the data marker "SimpleArray."
          Dim onedim As String() = {"SoftArtisans", "OfficeWriter", "ExcelTemplate"}
          pptt.SetColumnDataSource(onedim, "SimpleArray")

          '--- Process the template to populate it with the data source data.

          '--- Stream the processed document to the client.
          pptt.Save(Page.Response, "ArrayBinding.pptx", False)