PowerPointWriter allows you to generate a presentation from script alone, using the PowerPointApplication object, or from a template presentation and a script using PowerPointTemplate. PowerPointTemplate provides an intuitive high-performance way to import database values to a presentation, but cannot otherwise modify a presentation at runtime. The PowerPointApplication object model allows you to modify additional aspects of the presentation at runtime. You can take advantage of the features of both PowerPointApplication and PowerPointTemplate by using them together. For example, you can use PowerPointTemplate to open and populate a PowerPointWriter template, then pass the populated presentation to PowerPointApplication and copy slides.

To pass a presentation from PowerPointTemplate to PowerPointApplication, do not call PowerPointTemplate.Save. Instead, pass the PowerPointTemplate object to PowerPointApplication's Open method:

PowerPointTemplate pptt = new PowerPointTemplate();
pptt.BindData(valuesArray, colNamesArray,"DataSourceName", pptt.CreateDataBindingProperties());

//--- Create an instance of PowerPointApplication and
//--- open the presentation you created with PowerPointTemplate.
//--- The presentation will be returned as a Presentation
//--- object.
PowerPointApplication ppta = new PowerPointApplication();
Presentation pres = ppta.Open(pptt);