h2. Intro
{excerpt}This guide will explain how to import a multiple rows of values into a PowerPoint presentation using data markers. This assumes a basic understanding of [data markers|How to use Data Markers].{excerpt}

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h2. Binding Data

PowerPointTemplate has a single method for binding data to the data markers that are located in the template: {{[PowerPointTemplate.BindData]}}. Depending on the data source type and the number of rows in the data source, PowerPointWriter will either import a [single row|Importing a Single Row of Data] of data or import multiple rows by repeating sections of the presentation.

By default, every appearance of a data marker will be populated with the same data. For example, if %%=Header.CompanyLogo(image) appears on multiple slides, each data marker will be populated with the company logo. This behavior can be overwritten using [data binding properties|How to Use Data Binding Properties].

When importing multiple row of data, the data marker must be placed in a list entry or table row.  The list or table will be expanded to contain all of the imported data. 

h2. Repeat Slide Behavior

h2. DataBindingProperties
[Data binding properties|DataBindingProperties] can be used to specify the way data is imported into the presentation.
To set the max number of rows to import onto each slide of the presentation use [MaxRowsPerSlide|DataBindingProperties.MaxRowsPerSlide].  MaxRowsPerSlide will continue to import more rows of data as long as it can find a data marker with the 'continue' modifier.  For more information see [Fitting Data on to Multiple Slides]   

h2. Types of Data Sources

h4. Arrays of objects

* {{\[PowerPointTemplate.BindData(Object\[\],String\[\],String,DataBindingProperties)\]}}
* {{\[PowerPointTemplate.BindData(Object\[\]\[\],String\[\],String,DataBindingProperties)\]}}
* {{\[PowerPointTemplate.BindData(Object{}}}{{[,]}}{{,String\[\],String,DataBindingProperties)\]}}

Arrays don't have built-in means to store column names. The user must specify the column names in a string array that is passed to {{PowerPointTemplate.BindData}} at run time.

PowerPointWriter will import all the rows in a multidimensional array ({{Object\[,\]}}) or a jagged array using built-in repeating behavior. 

Two dimensional array:
          string[][] twodim = {
               new string[]{"Watertown", "MA", "02472"},
               new string[]{"Washington", "DC", "20036"}
          string[] names = {"City", "State", "Zip"};
          Dim twodim()() As String = New String()() { _
               New String(){"Watertown", "MA", "02472"}, _
               New String(){"Washington", "DC", "20036"}, _
          Dim names As String() = {"City", "State", "Zip"}
          pptt.BindData(twodim, _
               names, _
               "TwoDimArray", _
          pptt.Save(Page.Response, _
              "ArrayBinding.pptx", _

h4. Data Tables
To bind a DataTable to a template data marker call [BindData|PowerPointTemplate.BindData] using the following signature:
BindData(DataTable dt, String dataMarkerName, DataBindingPeoperties dataProps);

This signature takes a Datatable, the name of the data marker to which the data source should bind, and a collection [Data Binding Properties|How to Use Data Binding Properties].  
protected void (object sender, EventArgs e)
     //Create a data table
     DataTable states = new DataTable();
     dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { "Connecticut", "3.6 million residents" });
     dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { "Maine", "1.3 million residents" });
     dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { "Massachusetts", "6.6 million residents" });

     //Create DataBindingProperties
     DataBindingProperties dataBindProps = pptt.CreateDataBindingProperties();

     //Bind the data
     pptt.BindData(states, "State Info", dataBindProps);


h4. Custom objects
