
The _OfficeWriter Change Log_ lists the new features and bug fixes in every supported minor and major build of the product. 
Current supported builds are _v8.0-8.1.2_ and _v4.0.0-4.6.1_. 

OfficeWriter includes several components that are developed on separately, so features and fixes are listed by component: 
* ExcelWriter - _.NET API_
* WordWriter - _.NET API_
* Reporting Services - _SSRS Integration, including the OfficeWriter Designer and Renderer_
* Installer - _Components not related to the functionality of the product, including the installer and license key manager_. 


{card:label=OfficeWriter 8}

||Jump to:||
| * [OfficeWriter 8.1.2|#owd812]
* [OfficeWriter 8.1.1|#owd811]
* [OfficeWriter 8.1.0|#owd810]
* [OfficeWriter 8.0.0|#owd800]|

{include:OfficeWriter 8 Change Log}


{card:label=OfficeWriter 4}

||Jump to:||
|Versions of owd400|

{include:OfficeWriter 4 Change Log}

