{excerpt}Represents a hyperlink in an [Area|Area] (which may contain only one cell) that points to an external URL.{excerpt}
 public sealed class Hyperlink
Public NotInheritable Class Hyperlink
To create a [Hyperlink|Hyperlink] object, call [Cell.CreateHyperlink|Cell.CreateHyperlink(String)] or [Area.CreateHyperlink|Area.CreateHyperlink(String)]. To get an existing {{Hyperlink}}, use [Worksheet.Hyperlinks].

A Hyperlink only represents a URL to an external resource such as a web site. To create a link to another location in the workbook, you will need to use Excel's Hyperlink formula. You will need to surround the destination cell in quotes and preface it with a pound sign. For example, a cell with formula =HYPERLINK("#DestinationWorksheet\!B3", "Link to B3") will contain the text "Link to B3", and if you click on that text it will bring you to cell B3 on the worksheet named DestinationWorksheet.

          //--- Create a hyperlink
          ExcelApplication xla = new ExcelApplication();
          Workbook wb = xla.Create();
          Worksheet ws = wb.Worksheets[0];
          Cell cellA1 = ws.Cells["A1"];
          cellA1.Value = "SoftArtisans";
          Hyperlink link = cellA1.CreateHyperlink("http://www.softartisans.com");

          //--- Get an existing hyperlink
          ExcelApplication xla = new ExcelApplication();
          Workbook wb = xla.Open(@"C:\MySpreadsheet.xls");
          Worksheet ws = wb.Worksheets[0];
          Hyperlink firstLink = ws.Hyperlinks[0];

          //--- Create a link to another location within the workbook
          //--- (Note that this does NOT use the Hyperlink class)
          ExcelApplication xla = new ExcelApplication();
          Workbook wb = xla.Create();
          Worksheet ws = wb.Worksheets[0];
          ws.Cells["A1"].Formula = "=HYPERLINK(\"#DestinationSheet!B3\", \"Link to other sheet\")";

          '--- Create a hyperlink
          Dim xla As New ExcelApplication()
          Dim wb As Workbook = xla.Create()
          Dim ws As Worksheet = wb.Worksheets(0)
          Dim cellA1 As Cell = ws.Cells("A1")
          cellA1.Value = "SoftArtisans"
          Dim link As Hyperlink = cellA1.CreateHyperlink("http://www.softartisans.com")

          '--- Get an existing hyperlink
          Dim xla As New ExcelApplication()
          Dim wb As Workbook = xla.Create()
          Dim ws As Worksheet = wb.Worksheets(0)
          Hyperlink firstLink = ws.Hyperlinks(0)

          '--- Create a link to another location within the workbook
          '--- (Note that this does NOT use the Hyperlink class)
          Dim xla As New ExcelApplication()
          Dim wb As Workbook = xla.Create()
          Dim ws As Worksheet = wb.Worksheets(0)
          ws.Cells("A1").Formula = "=HYPERLINK(""#DestinationSheet!B3"", ""Link to other sheet"")"

|| Name || Description ||
| [Area|Hyperlink.Area] | {excerpt-include:Hyperlink.Area|nopanel=true} |
| [Href|Hyperlink.Href]\\ | {excerpt-include:Hyperlink.Href|nopanel=true} |
| [Text|Hyperlink.Text]\\ | {excerpt-include:Hyperlink.Text|nopanel=true} |