
Use a variety of .NET data types to populate ExcelTemplate including string[], ArrayList, and Hashtable.

This example demonstrates how Excel Writer can use arrays, array lists and hash tables as data sources for an ExcelTemplate report. 


For using 2-dimensional, grid-like data stored in an array. Arrays can be arranged in [row,col] (normal) or [col,row] (transposed) fashions.


For use with a 1-dimensional array, collection, or dictionary. Data is filled in the column.


Like BindColumnData, except data is filled horizontally by the row.


public void GenerateReport()


            // Generate the new workbook with ExcelTemplate

            // Create an instance of SoftArtisans ExcelTemplate

            ExcelTemplate xlt = new ExcelTemplate();\
            // Open the template workbook

            string templatePath = @"..\..\Templates\ArrayDataSourceTemplate.xlsx";

            // Create arrays/IEnumerables and bind them to the template

             // data markers. The template data markers bound to each array

             // are shown below in comments.

            DataBindingProperties basicBindingProperties = xlt.CreateDataBindingProperties();\
            // %%=$SimpleArray

            string\[\] onedim = { "SoftArtisans", "OfficeWriter", "ExcelTemplate" };

            xlt.BindColumnData(onedim, "SimpleArray", basicBindingProperties);\
            // %%=$ArrayList

            ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(onedim);

            xlt.BindColumnData(arrayList, "ArrayList", basicBindingProperties);\
            // By default, ExcelTemplate expects an array orientation of

             // \[rows\]\[cols\].  You can pass a transposed array by setting

             // the Transpose argument to true.  Notice how twoDimNormal

             // and twoDimTranspose differ.  This gives you flexibility

             // in how you arrange your data source arrays.


            string\[,\] twoDimNormal = {{"Nancy", "Davolio", "Sales Manager"},

                                    {"Michael", "Suyama", "HR Representative"},

                                    {"Adrian", "King", "IS Support"}};\
            // When binding to two-dimensional arrays, the second parameter

             // to BindData (dataMarkerName) must be a String\[\] array.

             // The values in that array correpond to the data marker names:

             // %%=TwoDimArray.FirstName

             // %%=TwoDimArray.LastName

             // %%=TwoDimArray.Position


            string\[\] names = { "FirstName", "LastName", "Position" };

            xlt.BindData(twoDimNormal, names, "TwoDimArray", basicBindingProperties);\
            // %%=TwoDimTrans.FirstName

             // %%=TwoDimTrans.LastName

             // %%=TwoDimTrans.Position


            string\[,\] twoDimTranspose = {{"Nancy", "Michael", "Adrian"},

                                    {"Davolio", "Suyama", "King"},

                                    {"Sales Manager", "HR Representative", "IS Support"}};

            DataBindingProperties bindTransposed = xlt.CreateDataBindingProperties();

            bindTransposed.Transpose = true;

            xlt.BindData(twoDimTranspose, names, "TwoDimTrans", bindTransposed);\
            // When binding to an IDictionary collection, the "Key" is

             // the Data Marker Name.


             // The following entries bind to the data marker names:

             // %%=HashTable.FirstName

             // %%=HashTable.LastName

             // %%=HashTable.Position


            IDictionary hashTable = new Hashtable();

            hashTable.Add("FirstName", "Nancy");

            hashTable.Add("LastName", "Davolio");

            hashTable.Add("Position", "Sales Manager");\
            xlt.BindRowData(hashTable, "HashTable", basicBindingProperties);\
            // %%=Address.Street

            // %%=Address.City

            // %%=Address.State


            string\[\] addressvalues = { "3 Brook St.", "Watertown", "MA" };

            string\[\] addressnames = { "Street", "City", "State" };

            xlt.BindRowData(addressvalues, addressnames, "Address", basicBindingProperties);\
            // Process the template to populate it with the Data Source data





Template and populated output