Sets an ADO.NET DataSet as a data source to bind to template data markers.

 public void BindData(System.Data.DataSet data, System.String dataSourceName, DataBindingProperties property)
Public Sub BindData(ByVal data As System.Data.DataSet, ByVal dataSourceName As String, ByVal [property] As DataBindingProperties)

The DataSet to use as the data source.

The name of the set of data markers at which to insert the values imported from the data source. dataSourceName must be specified, but can be left as null or an empty string if this is the first data source bound AND the data markers in the template use the ?short data marker syntax or refer to the datasource by number rather than name. Note: dataSourceName does not include a data marker's column name, for example, the dataSourceName for %%=Products.ProductID is "Products."

The DataBindingProperties object which contains information about how the data should be bound to the template.

The DataBindingProperties object which contains information about how the data should be bound to the template. property Must be specified, but the DataBindingProperties need not be set beforehand. To bind data to a template with the default DataBindingProperties, pass in ExcelTemplate.CreateDataBindingProperties() as the property value. Otherwise, use the ExcelTemplate.CreateDataBindingProperties() method to generate a new DataBindingProperties object and set the DataBindingProperties.MaxRows, DataBindingProperties.Transpose, and/or DataBindingProperties.WorksheetName properties for the workbook.

BindData will throw this exception if null (C#) or Nothing (VB.NET) is passed to the method.

You can set several data sources for a single template. Use the following methods to set template data sources: BindCellData, BindColumnData, BindRowData, and BindData.

          ExcelTemplate xlt = new ExcelTemplate();

          OleDbConnection Conn = new OleDbConnection();
          DataSet OrdersDs = null;
               Conn.ConnectionString = Application["connstring"].ToString();

               //--- SQL Query for orders
               string OrdersSQL =
                    "SELECT Orders.OrderID, Customers.CompanyName As Customer, " +
                    "Orders.OrderDate, " +
                    "([Order Details].UnitPrice * [Order Details].Quantity) " +
                    "As [OrderTotal] " +
                    "FROM Orders, [Order Details], Customers " +
                    "WHERE Orders.OrderID=[Order Details].OrderID AND " +
                    "Orders.CustomerID=Customers.CustomerID AND Orders.EmployeeID=?";
               OleDbCommand CmdOrders = new OleDbCommand(OrdersSQL, Conn);
               CmdOrders.Parameters.Add("@EmployeeID", EmployeeId);
               OleDbDataAdapter AdptSales = new OleDbDataAdapter(CmdOrders);
               OrdersDs = new DataSet();
               AdptSales.Fill(OrdersDs, "Orders");

          Dim xlt As New ExcelTemplate()
          Dim Conn As New OleDbConnection()
          Dim OrdersDs As DataSet = Nothing
               Conn.ConnectionString = Application("connstring").ToString()

               '--- SQL Query for orders
               Dim OrdersSQL As String = _
                    "SELECT Orders.OrderID, Customers.CompanyName As Customer, " & _
                    "Orders.OrderDate, " & _
                    "([Order Details].UnitPrice * [Order Details].Quantity) " & _
                    "As [OrderTotal] " & _
                    "FROM Orders, [Order Details], Customers" & _
                    "WHERE Orders.OrderID=[Order Details].OrderID AND " & _
                    "Orders.CustomerID=Customers.CustomerID AND Orders.EmployeeID=?"
               Dim CmdOrders As New OleDbCommand(OrdersSQL, Conn)
               CmdOrders.Parameters.Add("@EmployeeID", EmployeeId)
               Dim AdptSales As New OleDbDataAdapter(CmdOrders)
               OrdersDs = New DataSet()
               AdptSales.Fill(OrdersDs, "Orders")
          End Try
          xlt.BindData(OrdersDs, _
               "Orders", _