Creates a new hyperlink in the specified area of cells. All cell values in the area will be converted to hyperlinks.

Creating a hyperlink to another cell or range within the workbook is not supported. However, you may use a hyperlink formula to achieve the same functionality. For example, to link to cell C3 you would use the formula =HYPERLINK("#Sheet1!C3", "Link to C3"). Setting Cell.Formula with this formula will create the internal hyperlink.

 public Hyperlink CreateHyperlink(Area area, System.String href)
Public Function CreateHyperlink(ByVal area As Area, ByVal href As String) As Hyperlink

An Area object representing the cells that will be converted to hyperlinks.

The hyperlink's destination.

A new Hyperlink object with the specified destination URL.

links.CreateHyperlink(a, "");
links.CreateHyperlink(a, "")