ExcelWriter offers two approaches to generating, processing and manipulating Excel documents: ExcelTemplate and ExcelApplication. This tutorial will walk you through assigning the contents of a cell using ExcelTemplate and ExcelApplication.

[Download the hello world sample code!]

{info}If you haven't installed ExcelWriter yet please visit the [install page| Install ExcelWriter] for instructions.{info}

h3. Hello World with ExcelTemplate

h3. Hello World with ExcelApplication

h3. Next Steps
Once you have successfully given your salutations to the globe, it is time to continue your quest in becoming an ExcelWriter pro. Here's what you could do next:
- *[Basic Tutorials]* - Check our our basic tutorials and soon you'll be an ExcelWriter pro!
- *[Programmer's API Reference]* - If you want more in-depth knowledge on how a particular object or method works, check out our Programmer's API Reference. It has all you need and more!
- *[Help]* - Need help? We are here for you! You can file a support incident online and we'll get back to you shortly. 