Freezes panes in a worksheet or returns the cell at which the panes are split. Set the property to a Cell object. The cell specified in Worksheet.FreezePanes is the first unfrozen cell; freeze panes will be applied to all rows above the cell and all columns to the left of the cell.

 public Cell FreezePanes{ get; set; }
Public Property FreezePanes() As Cell

Freeze panes can only be applied to the first few rows or first few columns of a worksheet. This is a limitation of Excel and not ExcelWriter.

          //--- Get FreezePanes
          Cell freezeCell = ws.FreezePanes;

          //--- Set FreezePanes for rows 1-5 and columns A, B
          ws.FreezePanes = ws.Cells["C5"];

          '--- Get FreezePanes
          Dim freezeCell As Cell = ws.FreezePanes

          '--- Set FreezePanes for rows 1-5 and columns A, B
          ws.FreezePanes = ws.Cells("C5");