Table of Contents

Introduction to ExcelApplication API

This tutorial assumes that the coder knows how to set up an Excel Template using data markers and Excel cell formatting. The .XLSX template file is available here.

ExcelTemplate vs. ExcelApplication

ExcelTemplate is the main class for template-driven document generation. This object opens an ExcelWriter template file, populates it with data from a specified data source, and generates a new Excel workbook. An Excel file uploaded as an ExcelTemplate object is not directly modifiable. ExcelApplication is the main class for pure code-based workbook generation. This class is an engine used to open, create, and write (save or stream to a browser) workbooks. A single instance of ExcelApplication can generate multiple Excel workbooks.

This tutorial opens an Excel file formatted as an ExcelTemplate origin file (i.e. it contains formatted data markers) using ExcelApplication object. This means that the file can be copied based upon the user's specification using the ExcelApplication CopySheet method. This method copies a worksheet (including its formatted data markers) to another location in the workbook. The method has three parameters: a Worksheet object representing the sheet to be copied; the new worksheet's position; and, the name of the new worksheet.