Sets or returns the Font for this DataPoint's legend entry.

 public Font LegendEntryFont{ get; set; }
Public Property LegendEntryFont() As Font

These legend entries are only visible in certain cases:

  • If a chart has any trendlines, they are not visible
  • If a chart is a pie or doughnut chart, and it has only one Series or only one set of related series, they are visible
  • If a chart has only one series and Series.VaryColorsByPoint is set to true, and it's a type of chart which supports VaryColorsByPoint, they are visible. (Supported charts are all charts which are not ChartType.Area charts, ChartType.Surface charts, or ChartType.Radar.Filled charts.)

In all other cases these are not visible.

When data point legend entry fonts are not visible, Series.LegendEntryFont and Trendline.LegendEntryFont are shown instead.