{excerpt}Creates a format string for displaying numbers.{excerpt}
 public System.String CreateNumber(int numDecimalPlaces, boolean dropTrailingZeros, boolean use1000Seperator, boolean useNegativeSign, boolean useParensForNegatives, Color negativeColor)
Public Function CreateNumber(ByVal numDecimalPlaces As Integer, ByVal dropTrailingZeros As Boolean, ByVal use1000Seperator As Boolean, ByVal useNegativeSign As Boolean, ByVal useParensForNegatives As Boolean, ByVal negativeColor As Color) As String
{param:numDecimalPlaces}The number of decimal places to display.{param}
{param:dropTrailingZeros}If {{true}}, trailing zeros will be dropped.  If {{false}}, trailing zeros will be displayed.{param}
{param:use1000Seperator}If {{true}}, the 1000 separator \(,\) will be displayed.{param}
{param:useNegativeSign}If {{true}}, the negative sign will be used.{param}
{param:useParensForNegatives}If {{true}}, negative numbers will be shown in parentheses.{param}
{param:negativeColor}A color to use when displaying negative numbers.  {{negativeColor}} may be null.{param}
{returns}A number format string.{returns}

          //--- Create a style.
          Style styl = wb.CreateStyle();

          //--- The following assigns the number string "#,##0.##;-#,##0.##"
          //--- to the style.
          styl.NumberFormat =

          '--- Create a style.
          Dim styl As Style = wb.CreateStyle()

          '--- The following assigns the number string "#,##0.##;-#,##0.##"
          '--- to the style.
          styl.NumberFormat = _
               wb.NumberFormat.CreateNumber(2, _
               True, _
               True, _
               True, _
               False, _
