{excerpt}Opens the WordWriter template specified by the {{templateFileName}} parameter.{excerpt}
public static void Open(this WordTemplate template, Microsoft.SharePoint.SPListItem listItem, String fileName)
Public Static Sub Open(ByVal template As WordTemplate, ByVal listItem As MicroSoft.SharePoint.SPListItem, ByVal fileName As String)
{param:template}The current WordTemplate that is calling Open{param}
{param:listItem}SharePoint List Item containing the template file to be opened{param}
{param:fileName}File name of the template Word file{param}
{remarks}A WordWriter template is a file created in Microsoft Word that contains merge fields. WordWriter supports Microsoft Word 97, 2000, 2002 \(XP\), 2003, and 2007. Do not use [Open|WordTemplate.Open] to open files created in earlier versions of Microsoft Word.
{note}This is an extension method for the WordTemplate object to be used for opening documents from a SharePoint List Item from within SharePoint.  To use this method, you must add a reference to SoftArtisans.OfficeWriter.WordWriter.SharePointIntegration.dll{note}
oWW.Open(myListItem, "StringTemplate.doc"); {code}
oWW.Open(myListItem, "StringTemplate.doc"){code}
