{excerpt}The [Font|Font] class is used to specify formatting that should be applied to a character run. It also represents the fonts of named styles in the document.{excerpt}
 public sealed class Font
Public NotInheritable Class Font
{remarks}There are two ways to obtain an instance of this class.  The [Document.CreateFont\(\)|Document.CreateFont()] method creates a new {{Font}} object based on the Normal style. Alternately, using [NamedStyle.Font|NamedStyle.Font], you can create a {{Font}} object that is a copy of a particular style's font. The {{Font}} object that is returned can then be used in conjunction with methods in the [Element|Element] class to create character runs, paragraphs, etc, with specific fonts.

The following example demonstrates both ways of getting a font, first by retrieving the Normal style's font from the document, second by retrieving a copy of the Heading1 style's font.


          //--- Get Normal font from Document
          WordApplication app = new WordApplication();
          Document doc = app.Create();
          Font normalFont = doc.CreateFont();

          //--- Get font from Heading1 Style
          WordApplication app = new WordApplication();
          Document doc = app.Create();
          Font heading1Font = doc.Styles[NamedStyle.BuiltIn.Heading1].Font;

          '--- Get Normal font from Document
          Dim app As New WordApplication()
          Dim doc As Document = app.Create()
          Dim normalFont As Font = doc.CreateFont()

          '--- Get font from Heading1 Style
          Dim app As New WordApplication()
          Dim doc As Document = app.Create()
          Dim heading1Font As Font = doc.Styles(NamedStyle.BuiltIn.Heading1).Font

|[UnderlineType|Font.UnderlineType (no attachments)]|{excerpt-include:Font.UnderlineType|nopanel=true}|