{excerpt}Creates and returns a [Hyperlink|Hyperlink] at the beginning of this Element. This hyperlink will have the specified url and displayed text.{excerpt}
 public virtual Hyperlink InsertHyperlinkAfter(System.String url, System.String display)
Public Overridable Function InsertHyperlinkAfter(ByVal url As String, ByVal display As String) As Hyperlink
{param:url}A {{String}} representing the url to link to.{param}
{param:display}A {{String}} representing the text that will displayed in the document for this hyperlink.{param}
{returns}A {{Hyperlink}} object representing the newly created hyperlink.{returns}
Hyperlink link = e.InsertHyperlinkAfter("http://www.softartisans.com", "SoftArtisans");{code}
Dim link As Hyperlink = e.InsertHyperlinkAfter("http://www.softartisans.com", "SoftArtisans"){code}
