{excerpt}This class is used to specify border settings for various entities in a Word document.{excerpt}
 public sealed class Border
Public NotInheritable Class Border
{remarks}You cannot create a [Border|Border] object using the {{new}} keyword. You must reference an existing Border by using either the {{Border}} property of the [Font] class or the {{GetBorder(Border.Location)}} method of one of the following classes: [ParagraphFormatting], [Section] or [TableCell].

The following sample gets the {{Border}} object for the bottom part of the upper left table cell of the first table in a document.


          WordApplication app = new WordApplication();
          Document doc = app.Open(@"C:\sample.doc");
          Border brdr =
               (Table)(doc.GetElements(Element.Type.Table)[0])[0, 0].GetBorder(Border.Location.Bottom);

          //--- Set Width to 1 point
          brdr.LineWidth = 8;
          brdr.Style = Border.LineStyle.Single;

          Dim app As WordApplication = New WordApplication()
          Dim doc As Document = app.Open("C:\sample.doc")
          Dim brdr As Border = _
               doc.GetElements(Element.Type.Table)(0)(0, 0).GetBorder(Border.Location.Bottom)

          '--- Set Width to 1 point
          brdr.LineWidth = 8
          brdr.Style = Border.LineStyle.Single

|| Name || Description ||
| [Color|Border.Color] | {excerpt-include:Border.Color|nopanel=true} |
| [HasShadow|Border.HasShadow]\\ | {excerpt-include:Border.HasShadow|nopanel=true} |
| [LineWidth|Border.LineWidth]\\ | {excerpt-include:Border.LineWidth|nopanel=true} |
| [Padding|Border.Padding]\\ | {excerpt-include:Border.Padding|nopanel=true} |
| [Reverse|Border.Reverse]\\ | {excerpt-include:Border.Reverse|nopanel=true} |
| [Style|Border.Style]\\ | {excerpt-include:Border.Style|nopanel=true} |
|| Name || Description ||
| [LineStyle|Border.LineStyle]\\ | {excerpt-include:Border.LineStyle|nopanel=true} |
| [Location|Border.Location]\\ | {excerpt-include:Border.Location|nopanel=true} |